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  Name Phone Address
  1. Burnaby, Canada
1. Souza-Quick Construction Group 699-555-8963 3752 Hamilton Ct
2. Suffin-Cleary Engineering, Ltd 367-555-1366 3753 Forest Way
3. L & E Gillmore Communications
293-555-9531 1983 Santa Cruz
4. N & O Garner Electronics, Inc 472-555-1111 9052 Montgomery
5. Orona-Warmack Transportation, Inc 259-555-5742 165 Schenone Court
6. D & Z McLaughlin Electronics, Ltd 602-555-9145 661 Miller Ave.
7. Q & P Dodd Telecommunications
910-555-8441 5684 San Marino Ct.
8. F & X Wellington Communications
210-555-7617 4055 Hitchcock
9. Ratcliff-Moss Electronics, Ltd 721-555-7412 4776 Kentucky Drive
10. Rosemont-McMenama Engineering,
678-555-1134 6228 Meadowbrook Dr.
  2. Cliffside, Canada
1. H & N Mauro Machinery Corp 209-555-7811 7769 Holton Court
2. Baltazar-Higgs Communications Corp 633-555-1579 6922 Estudello
3. W & N Brumagen Telecommunications
122-555-1947 3570 Court Lane
4. W & W McCarthy Electronics
668-555-4901 1874 Royal Links Circle
5. Marple-Evans Engineering, Inc 614-555-6934 5587 D St.
6. Pope-Harriman Telecommunications
286-555-8955 5425 Highland Circle
7. M & K Ponce Telecommunications, Ltd 255-555-5088 7537 Kaski Lane
8. Chand-Vanderkamp Transportation
618-555-6621 8844 Fitzpatrick Drive
9. U & S Hass Transportation, Inc 429-555-1477 8452 Pine Hollow Rd.
10. Abbott-Liff Electronics Holdings 133-555-6511 3202 Jalisco
11. C & A Zimmerman Engineering Group 276-555-3847 1107 La Corte Bonita
12. Minker-Jimenez Transportation, Inc 437-555-6594 6482 Colt Ct.
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  Name Phone Address
13. Stewart-Velasquez Electronics
483-555-3870 2214 Solano
14. H & N Durocher Machinery Corp 692-555-8077 6854 Veale Ave.
15. Gilliat-Wojcik Machinery Partners 789-555-3323 8762 Kiska Court
  3. Haney, Canada
1. F & X Burger Communications
604-555-8988 2854 Magda Way
2. A & L Powers Engineering, Inc 738-555-3283 7177 Santa Rosa
3. Aguilar-Vanderbout Communications
946-555-3073 6702 Woodsworth Lane
4. Beavers-Dephillipo Construction
357-555-6794 7902 Bates Court
5. Wyllie-Conley Electronics Corp 506-555-4589 7814 Milburn Dr.
6. Poisson-Cosby Machinery Corp 947-555-3150 9377 Detroit Ave
7. Ceballos-Landrum Machinery Partners 813-555-4195 4932 La Jolla
8. F & X Allenbach Communications
918-555-3630 3451 Meier Road
9. Willeford-Nutter Machinery, Ltd 293-555-8602 658 Liscome Way
10. Q & P Castro Telecommunications
120-555-3908 2515 Live Oak
11. H & N Chapla Machinery Corp 166-555-1261 431 Riverside Drive
12. Bishop-Ciruli Engineering, Inc 527-555-3495 3925 North 39th Street
13. H & Y Holloway Electronics, Ltd 457-555-1803 8722 Norcross Lane
14. O & F Ortiz Engineering, Inc 325-555-3236 2777 Spring Hill Drive
15. Kobylinski-Verdad Communications
817-555-3960 225 San Miguel Rd.
  4. Ladner, Canada
1. D & D Jantzer Electronics Holdings 196-555-8847 2676 Premier Pl.
2. Roundtree-Bollin Electronics Company 426-555-2426 708 Bonifacio
3. Q & Q Long Telecommunications
937-555-2299 1676 Greer Ave.
4. Purcell-Eurich Construction Group 882-555-9139 4572 Fitzpatrick Drive
5. G & T Carlson Engineering, Ltd 193-555-9160 7728 Condor Place
6. Chrisulis-Whitcomb Engineering
449-555-1340 8075 Shangri-la Rd.
7. Armstrong-Billstrom Engineering
841-555-2316 7462 Linden Land
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  Name Phone Address
8. D & A Lesko Machinery Group 458-555-6060 8977 Woodhaven Lane
9. W & W Solano Electronics Associates 171-555-1254 9862 Ahneita Dr.
10. O & K Thomsen Transportation Corp 301-555-4240 32 Sun View Terrace
11. Q & P Welsh Telecommunications
984-555-8652 P.O. Box 1742
12. Peterson-Osborn Electronics Holdings 141-555-1493 5600 Star Tree Court
13. Larson-Heyer Electronics Associates 997-555-4681 2855 West F St.
14. G & Q Todd Transportation Company 805-555-8305 1960 Fernando Court
15. M & K Frank Telecommunications, Ltd 523-555-2486 1108 Catcus Court
  5. Langford, Canada
1. Scheulen-Koon Construction Group 121-555-3032 7938 Blue Ridge
2. Vaughn-Baccus Construction
584-555-4382 9321 Quiet Place Drive
3. M & K Thoreson Telecommunications,
219-555-2384 5423 Morengo Ct.
4. R & Z Wilkie Communications, Inc 989-555-3427 8158 Ahwanee Lane
5. O & D Camacho Communications
136-555-9780 4946 Abbey Court
6. H & Y Schimanski Engineering, Inc 394-555-8160 9809 Cardinet Drive
7. M & Y Bruno Communications, Ltd 244-555-1375 8408 Via Del Sol
8. Beatty-McNight Machinery Company 959-555-9024 7644 Corte Segunda
9. Tatman-Nelsen Machinery, Inc 501-555-2468 3935 Hawkins Street
10. Herrick-McCoy Electronics Company 869-555-5005 5636 Barcelona
11. D & Z Vonholt Electronics, Ltd 222-555-2382 6228 Palm Avenue
12. T & A Demott Jr Electronics, Inc 222-555-2615 6709 Prestwick Ave
13. Smith-Hensley Electronics Company 340-555-1193 346 Sutcliffe Pl.
14. Meyer-Stevens Construction Partners 190-555-7747 4650 Carlos Dr.
  6. Langley, Canada
1. V & A McCarty Transportation Corp 483-555-4590 414 Joseph Ave
2. Tullao-Hernandez Engineering, Ltd 101-555-8334 8626 Lillian Dr
3. Maynard-Tuell Transportation Group 690-555-4614 246 Weatherly Way
4. Carrington-Vigil Transportation Group 363-555-6712 4309 Cambridge Drive
5. Smallwood-Chavez
Telecommunications, Inc
673-555-1356 4250 Huston Rd
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  Name Phone Address
6. Q & P Anderson Telecommunications
663-555-5248 1145 Paraiso Ct.
7. W & W Thames Electronics Associates 769-555-5601 9576 Pepperidge Place
8. Thomas-Perko Transportation Holdings 233-555-7212 628 Marina Lakes Drive
  7. Metchosin, Canada
1. Collins-Scroggins Machinery, Inc 316-555-2507 8605 Flamingo Dr
2. D & D Vanderlinden Transportation,
701-555-7607 8983 Haynes Court
3. V & P Barnes Transportation Corp 879-555-8187 9005 Eagle Ct.
4. I & V Marsh Engineering, Inc 566-555-8885 8391 Olivera
5. I & V Thorton Engineering, Inc 832-555-1834 8938 West Hookston
6. Harris-Contreras Transportation
648-555-5221 2040 Encino Drive
7. O & K Pusedu Transportation Corp 898-555-2599 1826 Corte Del Sol
8. Carreras-Mendiola Machinery, Ltd 164-555-9451 9659 Walnut Blvd
9. Sutton-Mlincek Communications
625-555-2044 8874 Folson Drive
10. Bayol-Thumann Machinery Associates 755-555-1000 2812 East Lake Court
11. Witte-Bauer Telecommunications, Ltd 776-555-8596 2059 Brookdale Dr
12. Stanley-Markwood Machinery
780-555-8284 4187 Banbury Loop
  8. N. Vancouver, Canada
1. Reasoner-Wheeler Construction
300-555-3545 8468 Buena Vista
2. Anderson-Sosa Telecommunications,
148-555-5915 5629 San Francisco
3. E & F Tu Machinery, Ltd 461-555-6292 7770 Brodia Court
4. Hunt-Allen Transportation Company 848-555-6739 5458 Encino Drive
5. Q & Q Lopez Telecommunications
356-555-5782 8370 Acardia Pl.
6. Kesslep-Schultz Engineering Corp 537-555-7048 6695 Kathleen Drive
7. B & Y Mills Engineering Holdings 925-555-3456 5639 Lee Lane
8. Sanchez-Parks Engineering Company 145-555-1257 5581 Stanford Street
9. Henry-Barros Engineering Company 737-555-2195 3183 Trasher Road
10. N & W Vaca Transportation Corp 379-555-4222 8364 Pepper Drive
11. Derby-Thomson Transportation, Inc 739-555-2038 6740 Jalisco
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  Name Phone Address
  9. Newton, Canada
1. Foster-Reed Transportation Company 263-555-1308 4618 Olive Hill
2. Maestas-Balchuck Electronics
744-555-6182 4399 Shuey Ave
3. U & W Sloan Construction Corp 516-555-7063 5767 Oakmead
4. Dubois-Maestas Telecommunications,
214-555-8770 3241 Brock Lane
5. Fulcher-Berg Engineering Corp 414-555-7947 757 Pine Creek Way
6. Baker-Pearl Machinery Group 853-555-6043 2844 Plymouth Drive
7. V & A Gentry Transportation Corp 758-555-1952 2528 Fall Creek Road
8. Brush-Cambra Transportation
983-555-5621 7561 Humphrey Drive
9. Gonzales-Monitor Engineering Corp 727-555-6851 1908 San Jose Ave
  10. Oak Bay, Canada
1. G & W Trach Transportation, Inc 522-555-2162 6022 La Salle Ct.
2. Rutledge-Cavestany Transportation
471-555-8853 7987 Seawind Dr.
3. J & K Clifford Communications Corp 939-555-2517 932 Acardia Pl.
4. Colon-Barlow Electronics, Ltd 735-555-1793 3754 Alray Drive
5. Guardamondo-West Electronics, Ltd 427-555-2731 2603 Condor Place
6. Z & L Turner Construction, Ltd 220-555-2708 1918 Terra Granada
7. T & A Winter Electronics, Inc 968-555-4681 9011 Blackburn Ct.
8. N & W Amole Transportation Corp 678-555-8953 1143 Julpum Loop
9. Sanchez-Suess Machinery Associates 272-555-4783 6235 Bayview Cr
10. Lozada-Tays Machinery, Inc 298-555-3541 5988 Red Leaf
11. Sims-De Carlo Transportation Holdings 708-555-3666 5053 Loftus Road
12. Turner-Clark Electronics Corp 452-555-1325 3441 Wellington Ct.
13. D & D Wilson Electronics Holdings 238-555-6276 4251 San Onofre Court
14. Wood-Armstrong Construction
583-555-4474 608 Lincoln Dr.
  11. Port Hammond, Canada
1. Gutirrez-Carol Construction, Ltd 877-555-5098 6400 St. John Lane
2. Rousey-Marcovecchio Electronics Corp 730-555-2262 9431 Sun View Terrace
3. G & W Thompson Transportation, Inc 164-555-1398 7681 Hillcrest
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  Name Phone Address
4. Warren-Chow-Wang Machinery, Inc 113-555-8089 2813 Dew Drop Circle
5. Caro-Robertson Communications
353-555-4725 7959 Mt. Wilson Way
6. McDonald-Walter Electronics Holdings 860-555-1529 4019 Weaver Lane
7. Wood-Bostwick Engineering, Inc 130-555-6920 9748 Sutherland Dr
8. Betsekas-Ziegler Telecommunications,
461-555-4820 6780 Ware Ct.
9. D & A Benson Machinery Group 499-555-8606 1092 Boxer Blvd
10. M & K Hopkins Telecommunications,
368-555-9262 7076 Terry Lynn Lane
  12. Richmond, Canada
1. J & F Munoz Electronics Corp 867-555-6672 6032 Delta Road
2. Cook-Thompson Transportation
223-555-3659 9577 Santa Fe
3. Mehlert-Duran Construction Group 532-555-3196 9222 Roseann Drive
4. N & W Earley Transportation Corp 121-555-4232 9009 W 46th St
5. Christensen-Mercurio Machinery Group 837-555-2837 3492 Broadway Street
6. N & O Alexander Electronics, Inc 757-555-1584 3368 Rainier Dr.
7. Marsh-Robinson Construction, Ltd 662-555-6493 6469 Ethan Ct
8. E & F Weber Machinery, Ltd 585-555-5349 1294 Golden Rain Road
9. V & B Oss Transportation Holdings 604-555-9071 2582 California Street
10. Shepard-Bailey Construction, Ltd 525-555-7773 1227 Wesley Court
11. H & Y Lique Engineering, Inc 761-555-1582 6828 Ashwood Drive
  13. Royal Oak, Canada
1. J & K Farrell Communications Corp 816-555-2935 2320 Wee Donegal
2. Jones-Casts Transportation Company 146-555-5825 5780 Conifer Terrace
3. Skapinok-Marsden Transportation
766-555-4733 7556 Garcia Ranch
4. Yuhasz-Carmody Machinery, Inc 436-555-6290 2555 Via Rosa
5. N & O Sandidge Electronics, Inc 969-555-4758 557 Diver Way
6. Saunders-Vandenouer Machinery, Inc 898-555-3533 1914 N Lucile Lane
7. Adair-Kolosso Transportation Holdings 255-555-6263 2129 Acacia Drive
8. B & P Barry Telecommunications
971-555-4912 8428 Appia Court
  14. Shawnee, Canada
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  Name Phone Address
1. Brian-Trujillo Construction Company 349-555-4669 3718 Loma Linda
2. Koski-Fitzgerald Engineering Partners 478-555-3859 1742 Breck Court
3. Haemon-Krow Electronics Corp 477-555-3782 8163 S. Forest Hill
4. I & M Weyerhaeuser Transportation,
688-555-3570 6313 Collins Drive
5. Zobairi-Zimmerman Engineering
480-555-4013 6957 Olivewood Ct.
6. L & O Auintana Machinery Group 113-555-2482 8595 Central Avenue
7. Q & P Taryle Telecommunications
966-555-5128 2237 Boca Raton Court
8. Hansen-Craycraft Transportation Corp 937-555-1415 9746 Vallejo
9. V & B Allison Transportation Holdings 289-555-7404 4519 Sequoia Drive
10. B & D Steelman Machinery Partners 288-555-7327 9811 Toledo
11. Amland-Albury Electronics Holdings 606-555-2972 1315 Union St
12. R & Z Anderson Communications, Inc 398-555-7842 5671 Bel Air Dr.
13. X & M Dubois Construction Corp 425-555-1706 8582 San Jose Ave.
14. B & X Waller Electronics, Inc 402-555-3103 9312 Corte Del Sol
  15. Sooke, Canada
1. D & Z Leri Electronics, Ltd 346-555-1963 7089 Monti Circle
2. D & A Carmona Machinery Group 541-555-6035 9263 Mt. McKinley Ct.
3. Azari-Dabit Telecommunications, Ltd 291-555-8656 9476 Hill Top Rd.
4. Neuhauser-Coke Transportation
747-555-6058 7685 Imperial Dr
5. D & G Shintani Transportation, Inc 500-555-3863 7281 Barberry Court
6. Noakes-Mc Nair Engineering, Ltd 182-555-8295 3904 Piedra Drive
7. Chambers-Bellifa Construction
310-555-7098 6863 Shakespeare Dr
8. O & D Stotka Communications
236-555-5952 413 Rishell Ct
9. McCown-Miller Construction Associates 158-555-9779 7476 Halfmoon Court
10. G & W Kouba Transportation, Inc 832-555-6577 7554 Lakeview Pl.
11. O & K Bruno Transportation Corp 828-555-1842 4313 Camby Rd.
12. E & M Wood Electronics Company 956-555-5925 9181 La Vista Circle
  16. Vancouver, Canada
1. D & Z Kesslep Electronics, Ltd 134-555-9898 5200 Pennsylvania Blvd
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  Name Phone Address
2. Brandon-Quintana Engineering
389-555-6808 5890 Ardith Drive
3. Fisher-Dabit Telecommunications, Ltd 106-555-6339 5577 Laredo
4. C & A Christensen Engineering Group 927-555-5429 7535 Roanoke Drive
5. H & E Spicer Machinery Group 926-555-5351 7516 Laguna Street
6. Hill-Drury Engineering Partners 848-555-4441 4139 Bailey Road
7. Lyons-Sandy Kurtz Machinery Partners 409-555-6034 7256 St. Paul Circle
8. C & A Magenheim Engineering Group 293-555-7377 6954 Garcia Ranch
9. T & A Reasoner Electronics, Inc 797-555-6395 6973 Mt. Hood Circle
10. E & M Tullao Electronics Company 950-555-7984 3713 Rollingwood Dr.
11. Lucero-Burton Machinery, Inc 262-555-7849 8713 Live Oak Avenue
  17. Victoria, Canada
1. Orando-Troxell Construction, Ltd 987-555-2694 6274 San Antonio
2. Pierson-Nickels Electronics, Ltd 401-555-2072 9821 Juniper Drive
3. I & V Gutirrez Engineering, Inc 234-555-4290 6868 Firestone
4. J & K Hagemann Communications Corp 630-555-9458 7427 Terra Catalina
5. H & Y Smith Engineering, Inc 188-555-6937 1362 Geary Road
6. Slattengren-Heymsfield Construction,
991-555-2381 2305 Ravenwood Drive
7. Slusher-Nzwonkwelle Electronics
839-555-9713 5806 Dutch Slough Rd
8. O & D Chand Communications
829-555-8557 6841 Curletto Dr.
9. R & Y Pope Machinery Associates 498-555-1891 5385 Sony Hill Circle
10. Q & P Neuhauser Telecommunications
651-555-8451 9608 Grammercy Lane
11. Powers-Amburgey Construction, Ltd 219-555-1804 3800 Breck Court
12. Chapla-Cameron Machinery Associates 308-555-5125 1673 Buena Vista
13. Gonzales-Starr Telecommunications,
994-555-2613 2427 Arnold Dr
  18. Westminster, Canada
1. Richmeier-Jacobson
Telecommunications, Ltd
165-555-9217 9178 Thornhill Place
2. P & J Delhay Telecommunications, Ltd 258-555-7214 6749 Orchid Ct.
3. F & X Larkin Communications Partners 747-555-7011 8370 Merced Circle
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  Name Phone Address
4. Johnson-Marlowe Telecommunications
383-555-5401 7355 San Benito
5. Pusedu-Stedman Construction
994-555-9206 9903 East Leland
6. B & P Pierson Telecommunications
328-555-3094 1999 Orangewood
7. G & W Tinder Transportation, Inc 154-555-6705 1707 Summerfield
8. R & Z Caprio Communications, Inc 417-555-8568 3369 Houston Ct.
  19. Acapulco, Mexico
1. N & W Hill Transportation Corp 422-555-1772 7572 Easley Drive
2. D & D Weller Electronics Holdings 220-555-2752 1927 Chablis Court
3. Trujillo-Barrington Machinery, Inc 754-555-9987 9865 Montana
4. S & Y Romero Electronics Holdings 195-555-9042 1540 Westbury Dr
5. Choin-Crow Engineering Associates 184-555-7886 3618 Galveston Ct
6. Several-Thomas Transportation
296-555-3508 3507 Limeridge Drive
7. V & P Burnett Transportation Corp 963-555-9621 2942 Marina Road
8. Q & Q Bergin Telecommunications
218-555-2598 2810 Guadalupe
9. Sherwood-Becker Transportation
761-555-9439 9825 Mt. Dell Drive
10. M & Y Browqett Communications, Ltd 373-555-4575 5312 Riverwood Circle
11. Brown-Giglio Electronics, Ltd 295-555-3431 1962 Geary Road
12. Bruno-Bowers Communications
737-555-2156 9650 Valley View Road
  20. Camacho, Mexico
1. Z & L Bauer Construction, Ltd 231-555-6401 8976 E Leland
2. M & Y Planck Communications, Ltd 698-555-7603 4864 San Carlos
3. D & A Mccoy Machinery Group 587-555-2850 3416 Ravenwood Drive
4. H & Y Viellieux Electronics, Ltd 517-555-7412 2782 San Simeon
5. Reitzel-Horbach Construction Partners 929-555-6453 9341 Horseshoe Circle
6. G & H Marez Transportation, Inc 803-555-8423 9394 Piper Ridge Court
7. Estes-Jarmillo Engineering, Ltd 440-555-6346 6633 Military East
8. V & A Williams Transportation Corp 696-555-7759 1930 Almondwood
9. C & Z Kamas Telecommunications, Ltd 361-555-5669 5087 Bella Avenue
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  Name Phone Address
10. King-Frongillo Transportation Holdings 264-555-1346 7527 Eola
11. Carnes-Potts Construction Partners 569-555-5225 8335 Elm Rd.
  21. Guadalajara, Mexico
1. Kung-Wilson Machinery Corp 448-555-7888 2335 Peabody Road
2. Tinder-Kropff Machinery Corp 296-555-1569 2948 Dayton Court
3. W & A Short Construction Company 439-555-5631 6701 Valencia Place
4. B & P Colon Telecommunications
639-555-4186 5677 William Reed Dr.
5. Gallagher-Myer Construction Group 426-555-4555 2609 Amarillo
6. Trujillo-Barajas Transportation
843-555-4910 4055 Leonard Ct.
7. Zablah-Verity Communications
555-555-4055 7307 Corte Segundo
8. Racette-Thompson Construction
667-555-4104 4949 Dutch Slough Rd
9. Byrnes-Ryan Engineering Partners 887-555-1721 473 Akyn Rock Drive
10. N & O Pompa Electronics, Inc 763-555-3535 4485 Pheasant Court
11. I & M Rousey Transportation, Ltd 634-555-4655 1355 Sequoia Drive
  22. Hidalgo, Mexico
1. O & D Turcios Communications
676-555-9090 4951 G Street
2. D & D Zocchi Transportation, Ltd 606-555-8871 9943 Stonehedge Dr.
3. Whipple-Laursen Transportation Group 580-555-9108 5932 Rainier Dr.
4. White-Kahl Transportation Company 579-555-9341 5167 Oakmead
5. V & A Rodgers Transportation Corp 943-555-1952 8502 Bates Court
6. B & D Gonzales Machinery Partners 394-555-8077 2855 Playa
7. W & W Bozeman Electronics
811-555-3151 6915 Golden Leaf Way
8. H & Y Taylor Electronics, Ltd 242-555-1051 1914 Creekside Dr.
  23. La Cruz, Mexico
1. K & R Holmes Communications Group 558-555-9647 1568 Delta Fair Blvd.
2. D & D Hollar Electronics Holdings 385-555-8529 4352 Olive Ave.
3. H & E Espinoza Machinery Group 821-555-6938 1955 Wallace Dr.
4. Q & Q Christie Telecommunications
820-555-6860 8377 St. Raphael Drive
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  Name Phone Address
5. Barnurn-Chrisman Electronics, Ltd 409-555-8207 9032 Santa Fe
6. D & G Burkhardt Transportation, Inc 664-555-5117 7045 Creekside Drive
7. D & D Minniear Transportation, Ltd 869-555-4445 6832 Le Jean Way
8. U & W Hirschboeck Construction Corp 935-555-9352 1073 Bonnie Lane
9. Renfro-Brockett Engineering, Ltd 741-555-1921 2467 Clearland Circle
10. S & X Kroes Engineering Partners 667-555-5348 8459 Patricia
  24. Merida, Mexico
1. K & R Hapke Communications Group 514-555-7181 6021 Ellis St.
2. R & Z Lyons Communications, Inc 951-555-6141 6268 Breck Court
3. U & W Roundtree Construction Corp 772-555-5250 8958 Las Palmas
4. E & F Corcoran Machinery, Ltd 357-555-5670 9281 Brushcreek Dr
5. C & R Posey Engineering Partners 200-555-4083 3413 Sequoia Woods
6. Reed-Kelley Construction Partners 892-555-3672 2128 Evelyn Court
7. D & D Kozlowski Transportation, Ltd 819-555-2604 8121 Larkin Dr.
8. U & W Heaney Construction Corp 975-555-4658 301 Sandy Ln.
9. Muenich-Young Engineering, Inc 457-555-5263 Rt. 470 Box A
10. Simmons-Hays Engineering Partners 432-555-6893 7354 Scottsdale Rd
  25. Mexico City, Mexico
1. Steger-Lindsey Engineering, Ltd 651-555-9696 7900 Grammercy Lane
2. Stone-Lippman Machinery Holdings 483-555-1864 1153 Loma Linda
3. J & K Campos Communications Corp 727-555-1452 1961 Sahara Drive
4. Heiser-Craig Telecommunications
829-555-5849 6107 Westwood Dr
5. X & M Anderson Construction Corp 952-555-8308 7551 Santa Lucia
6. C & A Alameda Engineering Group 884-555-2962 6668 Mazatlan
7. Q & Q King Telecommunications
622-555-5749 491 Cali
8. Creek-Medina Engineering Partners 343-555-9778 3796 Keller Ridge
9. G & N Reed Communications Group 158-555-8351 6960 Trees Drive
10. Cantoni-Reed Construction Partners 695-555-6507 7736 Sunnybrook Drive
11. H & E Peterson Machinery Group 945-555-3885 7522 Santa Ana Drive
  26. Orizaba, Mexico
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  Name Phone Address
1. Ealey-Pigman Construction Partners 574-555-9810 2173 Heartwood Drive
2. D & D Lucero Transportation, Ltd 212-555-7499 3801 Roundhouse Place
3. Rybolt-Staton Communications, Inc 420-555-7910 5552 Nob Hill Drive
4. Hirschboeck-VanHarn Electronics
985-555-9702 8641 Summitview Dr.
5. B & D Strange Machinery Partners 164-555-1379 5373 Summerfield Dr
6. W & W Rhodes Electronics Associates 778-555-9368 2769 Edward Ave.
7. H & Y Davis Electronics, Ltd 908-555-8635 2009 San Marino
8. F & P McGuin Communications, Inc 494-555-8822 8678 Estudillo Street
  27. San Andres, Mexico
1. Barrera-Price Machinery, Inc 332-555-6148 8364 Encinal Place
2. Buensalido-Donovan Electronics Corp 199-555-2844 1830 Shore Rd.
3. Chin-Lovell Engineering Associates 375-555-3427 6912 Laguna St.
4. Beutel-Duvalle Engineering Partners 200-555-2921 5751 Concord Place
5. D & D Banks Electronics Holdings 735-555-9923 4230 Falcon Place
6. M & K Carter Telecommunications, Ltd 535-555-6174 8084 Cardiff Drive
7. D & D Johnson Electronics Holdings 845-555-5391 9813 Morgan Terr. Rd
8. Sipsy-Weimer Machinery, Inc 312-555-6922 6999 Salem St.
9. E & M Rosemont Electronics Company 582-555-3527 8150 Las Trampas
10. Taurman-Rachak Transportation
510-555-6565 6931 Erie Dr.
  28. Santa Anita, Mexico
1. Spencer-Castellucio Engineering, Ltd 835-555-9657 1506 River Rock Lane
2. Winternitz-Burns Engineering
545-555-9192 2297 Via Valencia
3. Munoz-Lightfoot Engineering Group 417-555-1079 6073 San Francisco
4. Russell-Doose Construction, Ltd 324-555-2187 7028 San Gabriel Dr.
5. I & G Curl Machinery Group 468-555-8125 7996 Ronda Ct.
6. Garner-Leong Machinery Group 807-555-2375 7129 Oakmead
7. Z & L Carrington Construction, Ltd 267-555-9105 851 Summerfield Drive
8. Marple-Griffin Engineering, Ltd 917-555-2727 9355 Slavio
9. W & N Garrison Telecommunications
885-555-3286 507 Sahara Drive
10. Bales-Stotka Engineering, Ltd 105-555-5971 2382 Wibur Ave.
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  Name Phone Address
11. S & X Orona Engineering Partners 755-555-8592 8669 Rotherham Dr.
12. Belleci-Armstrong Transportation
659-555-4424 2624 Pome Court
13. Netz-Blanc Construction Associates 550-555-8723 3905 Harvard Drive
  29. Santa Fe, Mexico
1. Watkins-Christensen Construction
178-555-4002 1025 Holly Oak Drive
2. Blanton-Gibbens Construction
946-555-4891 1872 Walnut Avenue
3. M & Y Caro Communications, Ltd 453-555-4401 3300 Country View
4. I & M Wyllie Transportation, Ltd 102-555-7439 6318 Marclair Dr.
5. Yates-Turner Construction Associates 968-555-3961 2893 Vera
6. Difatta-Schaidt Machinery, Ltd 637-555-1635 2608 Southhampton
  30. Tixapan, Mexico
1. L & E Trolen Communications Partners 106-555-7287 3372 Via Cordona
2. V & B Beavers Transportation Holdings 260-555-9186 9824 San Rafael
3. W & W Christensen Electronics
982-555-8770 1996 Glenhaven Ave
4. L & E Mc Clane Communications
878-555-7863 5166 D Kiska Ct.
5. I & M Bartness Transportation, Ltd 107-555-7053 5547 Montoya
6. D & D Lozada Electronics Holdings 727-555-1388 7657 H St.
7. Lee-Maes Transportation Company 799-555-7186 4051 Athene Drive
8. Banack-Dean Transportation Holdings 315-555-7154 941 Tosco Way
9. Theriault-Ketterman Machinery Corp 671-555-8150 39 Southbrook Drive
10. Petranoff-ONeill Engineering Holdings 229-555-5629 5901 F Mt Hood Circle
11. Wisnewski-Burkhardt Transportation
514-555-6252 6404 Del Mar Ave
12. J Wilbert-Ingram Communications Corp 257-555-3997 6093 Midway Ct.
  31. Tlaxiaco, Mexico
1. J & K Fulton Communications Corp 524-555-2044 3112 Gilardy Dr.
2. B & P Avalos Telecommunications
127-555-5722 9986 El Pintado
3. Tuffield-Ping Construction Company 463-555-4702 6526 Edie Ct.
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  Name Phone Address
4. L & E Case Communications Partners 497-555-8724 7280 Greendell Pl
5. E & M Zuluaga Electronics Company 696-555-7823 6233 Serpentine
6. Borden-Willson Construction Partners 467-555-9127 7340 Green St.
7. Santry-Quigle Construction, Ltd 186-555-8191 8791 La Cadena
8. X & M Graham. Construction Corp 653-555-1157 5640 Indianhead Way
9. A & X Caravello Engineering, Inc 958-555-5890 3241 Dutch Slough Rd.
10. Magenheim-Hance Construction, Ltd 471-555-9125 4523 Via Cortez
11. Chenault-Edwards Communications
619-555-6990 6928 N. th Street
12. Zubaty-Khan Telecommunications, Inc 774-555-8423 6316 Damascus Loop
  32. Albany, USA
1. C & Z Souza Telecommunications, Ltd 318-555-1442 7129 Corte Bonita
2. Thorne-Surniak Construction Group 827-555-5967 4951 Coralie Drive
3. D & G Suffin Transportation, Inc 886-555-2844 5167 Condor Place
4. Lique-Bernacchi Telecommunications,
811-555-1932 1742 Shakespeare
5. V & A Burke Transportation Corp 859-555-9524 9335 Wilke Drive
6. J & K Wolf Communications Corp 685-555-3902 1967 Glen Court
7. V & B Hazlip Machinery, Ltd 135-555-5834 1828 Robinson Ave.
8. M & Y Takemura Communications, Ltd 290-555-7190 2561 Palm St.
9. W & N Thomas Telecommunications
160-555-8233 2804 Boxer Blvd.
10. Obaugh-Hammons Electronics, Inc 480-555-4033 6755 Green View Court
11. McLaughlin-Eyster Engineering Corp 960-555-9038 1648 Eastgate Lane
12. Cabrera-Bunosky Transportation
370-555-8488 9549 Sandra Circle
13. M & Y Sutton Communications, Ltd 836-555-3980 6870 D Bel Air Drive
  33. Altadena, USA
1. Carmona-Saxton Construction
330-555-4138 620 Woodside Ct.
2. Corcoran-Good Transportation
431-555-4649 7104 May Way
3. Minniear-Robinson Communications
350-555-2967 3455 Mexico
4. Weyerhaeuser-Robinson Electronics
762-555-2548 1481 Near Ct.
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  Name Phone Address
5. Brinkd-Clark Communications Holdings 195-555-4898 7344 Maureen Lane
6. T & A Osborn Electronics, Inc 119-555-4116 9539 Glenside Dr
7. B & D Wolter Machinery Partners 121-555-3960 2473 Orchard Way
8. Bowen-Pochert Engineering Associates 963-555-2112 6707 Grand View
9. G & T Beatty Engineering, Ltd 225-555-4703 4440 Hawes Street
10. E & Q Petranoff Engineering, Ltd 684-555-2026 9786 Roundtree Court
11. Carroll-Contreras Communications
633-555-3436 3036 W. Cypress Road
12. Zimmerman-Evans Construction, Ltd 942-555-3283 5511 Cape Cod Way
13. Wollesen-Lee Transportation Holdings 480-555-1613 2815 Piper Ridge Court
  34. Anacortes, USA
1. Bernard-Macaluso
Telecommunications, Ltd
852-555-8574 5678 McElroy Court
2. D & D Yuhasz Transportation, Ltd 955-555-7768 1314 Skyline Dr.
3. V & A Baltazar Transportation Corp 798-555-6258 9099 Bonifacio St
4. D & A Zubaty Machinery Group 799-555-6024 1274 Frisbie Ct.
5. U & W Herrick Construction Corp 796-555-6026 7813 Worth Ct.
6. Z & L Skapinok Construction, Ltd 385-555-6211 8970 West 39th St
7. Kamas-Barr Construction Group 434-555-4647 8291 Woodland Drive
8. Thompson-Hendricks Machinery Corp 876-555-7091 5251 Canyon Road
  35. Arcadia, USA
1. Z & L Wilson Construction, Ltd 869-555-6477 5399 Red Maple Ct.
2. Planck-Marshall Communications
771-555-6581 2687 Ridge Road
3. Williams-Burke Communications Corp 770-555-6738 9752 Jeanne Circle
4. Q & Q Drury Telecommunications
830-555-8653 7001 Mills Dr.
5. V & B Munn Transportation Holdings 540-555-3848 5672 Hale Dr.
6. Kharman-Kirschner
Telecommunications, Inc
331-555-3981 158 Walnut Ave
7. B & D Wold Machinery Partners 457-555-6275 267 Aspen Drive
8. Young-Krupka Telecommunications,
184-555-6030 294 La Vuelta
9. O & D Taurman Communications
745-555-7129 2526 N Willow Glen
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  Name Phone Address
10. Benson-Rusch Construction Associates 310-555-5299 6005 Sun View Drive
11. Browqett-Kartz Communications
207-555-8896 480 C Kenwal Rd
12. N & O Petty Electronics, Inc 722-555-8456 8684 Military East
13. Leri-Carr Engineering Corp 465-555-7199 5421 Almond Avenue
14. Mccoy-Tuck Construction Associates 638-555-3200 8329 La Vuelta
15. L & E Blanton Communications
588-555-4998 3541 Corte Poquito
16. Tucker-Forham Construction Partners 641-555-7858 3066 Wallace Dr.
  36. Ballard, USA
1. U & S Gallagher Transportation, Inc 922-555-7405 1114 R St.
2. U & W Fielder Construction Corp 179-555-5273 3397 Rancho View
3. H & G Gerber Machinery Corp 725-555-8460 4012 Lime Ridge Drive
4. M & Y Moore Communications, Ltd 202-555-3946 237 Ashley Way
5. B & D Smith Machinery Partners 659-555-9804 679 Minert Rd.
6. I & V Anderson Engineering, Inc 456-555-2018 6108 Estudello St.
7. O & K Racette Transportation Corp 263-555-6954 3454 D Bel Air Drive
8. L & N Murphy Electronics Company 327-555-3138 4304 Hieber Drive
9. Tedford-Roy Construction Partners 492-555-5339 2100 Grant Street
10. Vigil-Gash Machinery Corp 694-555-4670 6979 Euclid Ave.
11. J & K Walker Communications Corp 722-555-4199 3281 Hillview Dr.
12. J & R Shanklin Construction Group 437-555-7839 3296 Sinaloa
13. Auintana-Flanigan Machinery Corp 848-555-6803 1800 B Eagle Peak Rd.
  37. Beaverton, USA
1. Hollar-Wallin Machinery, Inc 334-555-6031 2176 Apollo Way
2. Q & P Sherwood Telecommunications
876-555-7981 5420 Thornwood Drive
3. V & A Vessa Transportation Corp 877-555-8058 6965 Appalachian Drive
4. Haines-Campbell Engineering
316-555-6959 1961 Oak Grove Road
5. Mitzner-Brooks Construction, Ltd 202-555-2727 9543 West I St.
6. Hagemann-Vasquez Construction, Ltd 441-555-6151 2341 Lindley Ct
7. J & B Laudenslager
Telecommunications Company
435-555-5614 1622 Silver Oaks Place
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  Name Phone Address
8. G & W Valentine Transportation, Inc 392-555-7948 4228 Pacheco St.
9. U & S Mehlert Transportation, Inc 698-555-7875 1400 Gibrix Drive
10. H & Y Harris Electronics, Ltd 814-555-9899 6872 Thornwood Dr.
11. Durocher-Terbush Machinery
931-555-6336 5186 Oeffler Ln.
  38. Bellflower, USA
1. Garrison-Zeller Transportation
651-555-2722 4912 La Vuelta
2. Koeber-Wagner Construction Partners 675-555-1238 4159 Apple Drive
3. Steinberg-Megel Telecommunications,
194-555-9583 7901 Moccasin Ct.
4. D & G Bales Transportation, Inc 271-555-1649 7214 Elliott Dr
5. X & V Thorne Communications
731-555-8360 8837 Paris Lane
6. E & M Magenheimer Electronics
288-555-5218 6239 Boyd Road
7. L & E Brunner Communications
904-555-8788 6202 Seeno St.
8. Wolf-Whitworth Construction, Ltd 189-555-1051 3462 Briarcliff Ct.
9. Brady, Jr.-Gray Machinery Group 214-555-8809 6774 Bonanza
10. L & E Brooks Communications Partners 754-555-1915 7566 Keller Ridge Dr.
11. Alcorn-Miller Transportation Holdings 722-555-7048 6064 Madrid
12. Adina-Bohling Transportation Holdings 831-555-2749 4782 Mt. Whitney Dr.
  39. Bellingham, USA
1. Smith-Vuong Construction Partners 117-555-9697 1666 Edward Avenue
2. X & V Purcell Communications
194-555-2074 1876 Lanitos Ct.
3. X & M Borges Construction Corp 610-555-6158 1873 Lyon Circle
4. K & R Haines Communications Group 527-555-8894 9956 McNeil Place
5. Wall-Appelbaum Machinery Associates 844-555-4385 3963 Greentree Drive
6. Z & L Maynard Construction, Ltd 355-555-3349 2168 Terra Calitina
7. Ciochon-Berger Transportation, Inc 739-555-4186 4095 Cooper Dr.
8. B & P Guardamondo
Telecommunications Holdings
946-555-4209 1362 Somerset Place
9. D & A Rector Machinery Group 480-555-2541 9384 Jamie Way
  40. Berkeley, USA
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  Name Phone Address
1. O & C Johnson Construction, Inc 856-555-9622 7569 Mt. Everest Court
2. Hurkett-Pettengill Electronics Corp 361-555-8667 5607 Willow Creek Ct.
3. Grosvenor-Smrha Machinery Group 777-555-8635 2313 Santa Cruz Drive
4. H & Y Campbell Electronics, Ltd 702-555-7412 4691 Frisbie Court
5. E & F Bockenkamp Machinery, Ltd 416-555-6401 2086 Rotherham Dr.
6. Brunner-Frazier Telecommunications,
208-555-6534 9344 Stony Hill Circle
7. R & Z Ecoffey Communications, Inc 574-555-8299 3200 Glenmount Drive
8. Gimmi-Pugh Machinery Group 826-555-5598 679 Pepperidge Way
9. F & X Kobylinski Communications
459-555-4067 1893 Argyll Ave.
10. Coy-Putinas Engineering Associates 695-555-6875 5935 Isabel
  41. Beverly Hills, USA
1. Lewin-Desalvo Engineering Company 127-555-4580 7853 Millfield Place
2. Farrell-Ault Construction, Ltd 582-555-2371 4070 Orange Street
3. McCarthy-Bacalzo Machinery Group 503-555-9222 7040 Isabel Dr.
4. O & C Younce Construction, Inc 531-555-4402 3792 Westwood Ct.
5. Kotc-Coriell Communications Holdings 783-555-1391 4824 Discovery Bay
6. W & N Cabrera Telecommunications
535-555-4167 1726 Hacienda
7. Hapke-Huff Engineering Associates 895-555-5702 7262 Pepperidge Way
  42. Bremerton, USA
1. Davis-Westgaard Transportation
982-555-7614 7176 Chatworth
2. Q & Q Henry Telecommunications
356-555-3673 4598 Manila Avenue
3. Tramel-Curry Construction, Ltd 585-555-2059 3589 G Street
4. Chestnut-Toone Construction Group 210-555-6416 9090 Cristobal
5. Burkett-Drake Engineering Partners 954-555-4983 9471 Shelly Dr.
6. Gillmore-Mixon Construction Holdings 697-555-6680 3478 Liana Lane
7. Brooks-Logan Construction Holdings 896-555-5779 8807 Soto St.
8. S & X Derby Engineering Partners 358-555-3517 8154 Via Mexico
9. O & K Agcaoili Transportation Corp 332-555-4993 6963 Grand View
10. Zingarelli-Valentine Construction, Ltd 105-555-6217 3747 Likins Avenue
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  Name Phone Address
  43. Burbank, USA
1. Thompson-Stevens Construction
991-555-9310 2477 MacAlven Drive
2. LaTulippe-Lewis Engineering Group 347-555-7770 5205 Sunview Terrace
3. H & Y Bernard Engineering, Inc 425-555-3796 3928 San Francisco
4. Carter-Sharp Machinery, Ltd 962-555-1952 9833 Mt. Dias Blv.
5. Staley-Lipford Engineering, Ltd 769-555-7035 1016 Whyte Park
6. Stallings-Yoshimura Engineering
940-555-3503 8809 Diablo View Road
7. Brumagen-Hamilton Transportation
480-555-1840 1902 Santa Cruz
8. Bruha-Suggs Construction, Ltd 919-555-4674 40 Ellis St.
9. Knobel-Hope Electronics Holdings 944-555-3268 878 Amador Ct
10. K & R Cox Communications Group 935-555-2500 6509 California Street
11. Irwin-Son Construction, Ltd 988-555-9079 1191 Boxwood Dr.
12. Huckaby-Gustafson Machinery
860-555-1277 1060 McElroy Court
  44. Burien, USA
1. Castro-Caldwell Transportation
831-555-9601 7427 Grove Way
2. Thomsen-Baldwin Construction
420-555-9475 1019 Mt. Davidson
3. B & D Spivey Machinery Partners 167-555-3409 674 Woodchuck Pl.
4. O & K Koeber Transportation Corp 624-555-9888 9245 Escobar
5. D & G Estes Transportation, Inc 629-555-9653 1720 Medburn St
6. N & O Townsend Electronics, Inc 339-555-8877 5854 Onley Dr
7. Azzolino-Archuleta Machinery Partners 500-555-2702 2429 Longview Road
8. Y & R Sherfy Machinery, Inc 138-555-9935 162 Maureen Lane
9. Sullivan-Watada Transportation
135-555-8542 7943 Cunha Ct.
10. B & Y Maestas Engineering Holdings 912-555-1743 7776 Cordoba Way
11. Oss-Smith Construction Company 108-555-6221 4077 Chinquapin Ct
  45. Burlingame, USA
1. Poorbaugh-Hasty Electronics Holdings 685-555-2663 5245 Fraga Court
2. G & N Sanders Communications Group 763-555-3884 1500 Grant Street
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  Name Phone Address
3. T & A Chambers Electronics, Inc 191-555-1862 8531 Bayter Court
4. X & C McCain Transportation, Ltd 828-555-4805 7047 Pacheco St
5. Vlass-Gonzalez Construction, Ltd 686-555-2740 7296 Seawind Dr.
6. Lynn-Cavendish Transportation
571-555-7508 2223 Stillwater Court
7. B & X Rybolt Electronics, Inc 369-555-7560 2602 Hale Dr
8. Lesko-Worland Construction
885-555-1839 727 Pheasant Ct.
9. E & F Anderson Machinery, Ltd 983-555-6549 2546 Fawn Glen Circle
10. D & G Justice Transportation, Inc 477-555-2873 7694 Furness Street
11. Long-Olenzek Construction Company 526-555-9998 6751 Yosemite Ct.
  46. Chula Vista, USA
1. D & D Tatman Electronics Holdings 689-555-5775 9021 Onley Dr
2. S & Y Miller Construction, Ltd 666-555-3220 6620 Leonard Ct.
3. Kozlowski-Looney Machinery, Inc 915-555-9211 6199 McElroy
4. R & Z Azzolino Communications, Inc 689-555-6009 7515 Royal Oak Rd.
5. N & W Creek Transportation Corp 555-555-2714 1792 Belmont Rd.
6. G & W Theriault Transportation, Inc 247-555-3254 2215 La Corte Bonita
7. E & M Consentino Electronics
250-555-2942 8246 Via Del Sol
8. Burkhardt-Whitney Engineering, Ltd 168-555-2267 8540 Donegal Road
9. Vaca-Arbelaez Engineering Partners 453-555-3200 6187 Barquentine Court
10. Pierson-Jones Engineering Corp 898-555-5953 5854 Eagle Way
11. Scarbrough-Martensen Construction
478-555-1958 8713 Yosemite Ct.
12. H & E Amland Machinery Group 203-555-5822 9819 Sunsine Drive
13. F & M Hansen Transportation Corp 533-555-4265 214 Via Del Sol
14. Kroes-Shafer Transportation, Inc 171-555-2498 5336 Roberts Ct
15. Z & L Skuce Construction, Ltd 226-555-4659 7723 Firestone Drive
  47. Colma, USA
1. Cocadiz-Mcgough Engineering Corp 372-555-8370 705 Seaview Avenue
2. H & E Knobel Machinery Group 564-555-4746 9636 Palisade Court
3. H & Y Evans Engineering, Inc 102-555-7269 9472 Juliet Court
4. N & O Wilson Electronics, Inc 122-555-1992 6992 Mt. Whitney Way
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  Name Phone Address
5. H & G Van Antwerp Machinery Corp 408-555-3003 4137 E St.
6. Moberly-Meyer Communications
197-555-2671 2809 Via Montana
7. F & X Brinkd Communications Partners 717-555-6258 2685 Keith Court
8. P & N Stallings Construction Company 559-555-4982 9531 Harrison Street
9. Gabbard-Lebaron Construction Group 764-555-4851 466 E St.
  48. Concord, USA
1. T & A Bustamante Electronics, Inc 815-555-2586 4222 San Jose Dr.
2. Schuetz-Runyon Machinery, Ltd 403-555-1955 5666 Hazelnut Lane
3. Carpenter-Watkins Construction
932-555-8420 3665 Oak Creek Ct.
4. L & E Potter Communications Partners 653-555-8333 5452 Corte Gilberto
5. Enlow-Lee Engineering, Ltd 751-555-7918 6020 Regency Dr.
6. Goldey-Nickell Engineering Corp 598-555-1289 2144 San Rafael
7. D & Z Torre Electronics, Ltd 827-555-8675 7095 Thames Drive
8. Blackburn-Abston Communications
734-555-4427 8950 Glenwood Dr.
9. N & O Faubert Electronics, Inc 830-555-8906 5888 Salem St.
10. S & X Blauvelt Engineering Partners 984-555-1806 8736 E. 62nd Street
11. O & K Ealey Transportation Corp 216-555-9917 5805 Churchill Dr.
12. G & W Jones Transportation, Inc 855-555-7353 9687 Shakespeare
13. Fulton-Dillon Construction, Ltd 620-555-8651 1190 Hill Top Rd.
14. Eichorn-Belsey Machinery Group 292-555-1906 4352 Marclair Dr.
  49. Coronado, USA
1. Wilson-Stovall Machinery, Inc 593-555-6287 8656 Lakespring Place
2. Gentry-Heckman Communications
239-555-9473 3769 Loma Linda
3. Sloan-Villa Electronics Company 897-555-5585 4352 Acardia Pl.
4. H & N Handley Machinery Corp 491-555-6696 7620 Del Vista
5. Dodd-Cereghino Transportation
744-555-3762 852 Santa Maria
6. Hopkins-Vicknair Machinery, Ltd 156-555-7326 1736 Windsor Drive
7. D & D Saunders Transportation, Ltd 494-555-6383 419 Mills Dr.
8. V & B Black Transportation Holdings 203-555-5841 2128 Holland Drive.
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  Name Phone Address
9. B & P Barnurn Telecommunications
928-555-9686 7791 Black Pine Lane
10. D & G Aldred Transportation, Inc 466-555-8179 636 Vine Hill Way
11. S & X Minker Engineering Partners 341-555-8987 1061 Buskrik Avenue
12. Marez-Wachterman Transportation
614-555-5116 2345 Yorba Linda
13. E & M Renfro Electronics Company 360-555-3399 1226 Shoenic
14. Graham.-Shaddy Telecommunications,
771-555-6393 6627 Camelback Ct.
15. C & R Cruz Engineering Partners 772-555-7942 3538 Esperanza Drive
  50. Corvallis, USA
1. Richardson-Brew Construction
493-555-7759 1206 San Simeon Drive
2. Deborde-Calone Transportation
490-555-7528 1789 Birchwood Dr.
3. Altamirano-Benson Engineering, Inc 692-555-6625 3925 Boyd
4. Wright-Kalman Electronics Company 620-555-6795 3340 Baywood Drive
5. Rector-Caldwell Construction
951-555-4694 372 Canyon Creek
6. Price-Driscoll Telecommunications
207-555-7059 2946 Frayne Ct
7. B & D Tucker Machinery Partners 829-555-2166 8152 Claudia Dr.
8. Jones-Bury Machinery Corp 928-555-6332 7511 Cooper Dr.
9. Younce-Pirnie Telecommunications
604-555-3381 9652 Steven Drive
10. O & F Doolittle Engineering, Inc 854-555-9759 1148 Thornwood Drive
11. Lundahl-Demicell
Telecommunications, Ltd
932-555-1359 1569 Norse Drive
  51. Daly City, USA
1. Skuce-Coleman Transportation Group 914-555-2723 2383 Pepper Drive
2. E & M Vincenzi Electronics Company 817-555-2740 8028 39th Avenue
3. C & A Bentley Engineering Group 526-555-2198 1101 C Street
4. Spicer-Medina Electronics Holdings 453-555-1130 9266 Trees Drive
5. J & R Green Construction Group 117-555-2460 3421 Gehringer Drive
6. I & V Cole Engineering, Inc 728-555-1218 811 Via Cordona
7. Y & R Vij Machinery, Inc 657-555-9922 8277 Pinole Valley Rd.
8. Black-Vansant Construction Company 937-555-1162 1314 Westover Dr.
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  Name Phone Address
9. I & M Mann Transportation, Ltd 660-555-5580 5669 Ironwood Way
10. G & N Tedford Communications Group 704-555-7275 6194 Via Maria
  52. Downey, USA
1. O & K Mullins Transportation Corp 904-555-8851 7227 Serafina
2. Potter-Holmes Construction Partners 130-555-6882 9494 Buena Vista
3. Winfrey-Brown Machinery Group 569-555-5452 6058 Hill Street
4. Smith-Gentile Telecommunications,
261-555-5916 6529 Buena Vista
5. Sloper-Weinzimmer Transportation
852-555-6568 451 Buskirk Ave.
6. Townsend-Rockne Machinery Group 418-555-7736 4440 Algiers Drive
7. D & Z Sincich Electronics, Ltd 626-555-7293 7861 Yosemite Dr.
8. I & V Mcdonald Engineering, Inc 335-555-6751 4259 Fenway
9. Pederson-Renn Electronics Holdings 284-555-8782 9371 Corte Del Sol
10. Reynolds-Ibsen Communications
108-555-8286 3067 Maya
11. F & M Detwiler Transportation Corp 493-555-8959 2257 Gibrix Drive
  53. Edmonds, USA
1. L & E Richardson Communications
396-555-1152 3128 Ramsey Circle
2. Rodgers-Gates Communications Corp 162-555-7187 6833 Filomena
3. H & E Abbott Machinery Group 652-555-7990 1961 Marfargoa Drive
4. Vanderlinden-Virden Machinery, Inc 159-555-7500 9970 Loma Linda
5. Bergin-Steel Engineering Company 883-555-2034 P.O. Box 4559
6. Amole-Hill Engineering Partners 182-555-6103 2639 Anchor Court
7. V & P Zubaty Transportation Corp 348-555-3644 4567 Shannon Lane
  54. El Cajon, USA
1. Wilson-Morrow Machinery Group 526-555-8142 8487 Amador
2. V & P Smith Transportation Corp 269-555-1844 3422 Meadowvale
3. Ponce-Borrelli Machinery, Ltd 396-555-8952 8778 So. Silver Spring
4. J & B Heiser Telecommunications
733-555-8242 2648 Hillcrest
5. D & A Maccietto Machinery Group 756-555-1798 3410 Hemlock Ave.
6. Thompson-Sturgel Electronics Corp 507-555-4496 3086 Indigo Ct
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  Name Phone Address
7. K & R Turner Communications Group 292-555-9681 80 Sunview Terrace
  55. Everett, USA
1. Wheeler-Swearengin Construction
847-555-8563 3499 Parkway Drive
2. Q & Q Sanchez Telecommunications
949-555-3650 2815 La Vuelta
3. U & S Scheulen Transportation, Inc 640-555-4510 6697 Ridge Park Drive
4. D & A Wood Machinery Group 794-555-6410 2046 Las Palmas
5. Fielder-Finnell Electronics Company 103-555-4226 8310 Ridge Circle
6. D & D Trujillo Transportation, Ltd 327-555-5209 4837 Mohr Lane
7. S & X Rizzi Engineering Partners 248-555-3060 8500 Pinehurst Court
8. K & R Choin Communications Group 658-555-3108 9212 Tupelo Drive
  56. Fremont, USA
1. W & N Quintana Telecommunications
884-555-7763 385 Joan Ave
2. Peoples-Choi Construction Holdings 634-555-1384 598 Marfargoa Drive
3. McPhearson-Albright Construction
172-555-4141 5927 Mt. Hood Circle
4. V & P Smallwood Transportation Corp 622-555-1006 6681 Pestana Way
5. Handley-Meyerhoff Machinery
348-555-9684 9115 Arthur Rd.
6. Alpuerto-Marshall Engineering, Inc 474-555-8565 5717 Shenandoah
7. W & N Alcorn Telecommunications
580-555-3184 4822 Center Street
8. D & E Sall Telecommunications, Inc 706-555-2920 2822 Valmar Dr
  57. Glendale, USA
1. Q & Q Gerber Telecommunications
565-555-6699 3554 Trinity Ave
2. I & O Ritchie Electronics Holdings 440-555-7818 8120 E Leland
3. Campos-Unfried Construction, Ltd 561-555-5773 7128 Joan Ave.
4. C & A Vlass Engineering Group 897-555-4676 5293 Juliet Court
5. Bockenkamp-Kesterson Transportation
204-555-4465 6745 Blue Ridge Drive
6. Glancy-Cappa Communications Corp 774-555-6566 9713 Amhurst Way
7. E & F Deborde Machinery, Ltd 155-555-6263 3711 Amargosa Drive
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  Name Phone Address
8. Mc Clane-Maxham Construction
644-555-7299 9571 Live Oak Dr.
9. X & V Slusher Construction, Ltd 789-555-9362 2856 Amargosa Drive
10. Morreale-Rupert Engineering
101-555-4344 1220 Bradford Way
11. H & E Poorbaugh Machinery Group 896-555-4598 586 Willow Pass Dr.
12. Cole-Huntsman Construction, Ltd 801-555-9197 8634 Forte Way
13. X & N Williams Construction Corp 569-555-6697 1277 Argenta Dr.
14. Galich-Watson Construction, Ltd 361-555-6830 1745 Marina Hill Pkwy.
15. D & D Barrera Transportation, Ltd 259-555-7170 3197 Thornhill Place
16. K & R Arakawa Communications Group 151-555-6575 8420 Dayton Court
  58. Grossmont, USA
1. Bouton-Gras Construction, Ltd 821-555-3875 77 Birchwood
2. Thorton-Dumin Construction, Ltd 313-555-9355 181 Gainsborough
3. Bartness-Cobb Electronics Corp 796-555-5117 206 Kirkwood Ct.
4. Bentley-Ritacco Construction, Ltd 622-555-8806 9177 Concord Royale
5. M & Y Brummer Communications, Ltd 459-555-6138 9899 Geary Court
6. Valentine-Reams Machinery Corp 511-555-4184 2559 Gumwood
7. Trolen-Vernon Construction Holdings 556-555-1693 8031 Danesta Dr.
8. I & M Buensalido Transportation, Ltd 149-555-2494 6916 Azores
9. Weller-Bloomberg Machinery, Inc 998-555-4448 6332 N. Thompson Rd
10. N & W Beutel Transportation Corp 389-555-6229 9590 Galloway Dr
11. H & Y Trujillo Electronics, Ltd 747-555-7303 7941 Cristobal
12. K & I Ardell Machinery Corp 633-555-2837 6150 San Antonio
13. J & C Anderson Telecommunications
131-555-8159 3365 Atherton Circle
14. C & Y Difatta Machinery Partners 233-555-4485 3076 Monti Dr
  59. Imperial Beach, USA
1. Stotka-Johnson Transportation
617-555-4473 1654 Bonari Court
2. E & F Adams Machinery, Ltd 411-555-4450 9558 Orchard View
3. Whitney-Mitchell Electronics, Ltd 331-555-3773 6152 Del Mar Ave
4. Minarick-Los Olmos Transportation
222-555-3732 9265 La Paz
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  Name Phone Address
5. Campbell-Walker Transportation
821-555-3648 5678 Arlington Way
6. L & O Wheeler Machinery Group 978-555-7018 9228 Via Del Sol
7. Vessa-Tran Communications Corp 993-555-4411 1371 Rogers Ave
8. D & D Tench Electronics Holdings 391-555-1038 6621 Polaris Dr.
9. O & D Tate Communications
102-555-5310 6097 Mt. McKinley Ct.
10. K & R Chin Communications Group 871-555-6277 3385 Crestview Drive
11. Montera-Ciochon Machinery, Inc 161-555-7382 3158 B Avenue I
12. H & Y Ansaldo Engineering, Inc 413-555-9108 6951 Harmony Way
  60. Issaquah, USA
1. V & B Kwiatkowski Machinery, Ltd 798-555-8600 9277 Ridgewood Court
2. X & M Fisher Construction Corp 602-555-9189 4082 Virginia Hills
3. Quintana-Bright Transportation
980-555-5370 8461 Lodge Drive
4. Bidelman-Gee Engineering Associates 238-555-7268 2050 Glazier Dr
5. I & V Tramel Engineering, Inc 158-555-6280 9183 Via Del Sol
6. H & Y Gambao Engineering, Inc 803-555-8132 6036 Park Glenn
7. D & Z Moya Electronics, Ltd 754-555-1935 1121 Boynton Avenue
8. Reynolds-Posner Construction, Ltd 218-555-3545 3071 Asilomar
  61. Kirkland, USA
1. Williamson-Goodwater Construction,
301-555-3564 7390 Notre Dame
2. Z & L Steele Construction, Ltd 667-555-5096 6165 Silverwood Drive
3. U & S Burke Transportation, Inc 507-555-3277 8811 Lombardy Lane
4. G & N Scarbrough Communications
120-555-2065 7726 Driftwood Drive
5. X & M Catalano Construction Corp 819-555-7075 9665 Pamploma Ct.
6. Bruner-Troyer Transportation Holdings 742-555-6008 1025 R St.
7. Rhiger-Finley Communications Corp 741-555-5931 2135 St. Paul Way
8. D & D Noice Transportation, Ltd 663-555-5331 3692 Morales
9. Bobbitt-Boston Engineering Associates 744-555-6162 8895 Margo Dr.
  62. La Jolla, USA
1. Borges-Wyro Telecommunications, Ltd 444-555-1517 3114 Notre Dame Ave.
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  Name Phone Address
2. X & C Owens Transportation, Ltd 259-555-9401 8168 Eaker Way
3. D & Z Smith Electronics, Ltd 857-555-9428 5436 Via Del Sol
4. Warthen-Johnson Transportation, Inc 468-555-9034 2687 Gilberto
5. Potter-Smith Construction Holdings 749-555-5940 874 Olivera Road
6. Berch-Taylor Engineering, Ltd 188-555-7865 4904 Hillview Drive
7. W & N Cook Telecommunications
104-555-7423 1246 Glenside Ct.
8. Magenheimer-Hofsetz Engineering, Ltd 646-555-5111 7226 Casa Real
9. Y & R Hall Machinery, Inc 877-555-8077 521 Red Leaf Way
10. Givens-Beanston Transportation
908-555-2634 8198 Mt. Whitney Dr.
11. Cardoza-Hall Engineering, Inc 160-555-9661 4566 La Jolla
12. Rowland-Balleo Machinery, Inc 340-555-1232 3255 Marsh Elder
13. B & P Whitney Telecommunications
520-555-7080 1239 Linnet Court
14. Blauvelt-Wardley Transportation, Inc 180-555-8413 6814 Gatewood Court
15. X & M Young Construction Corp 395-555-7966 5634 Blue Ridge Drive
  63. Lake Oswego, USA
1. Spivey-Whiting Construction Partners 855-555-1473 5333 Garaventa Drive
2. H & S Staley Telecommunications, Ltd 980-555-8971 975 Harris Circle
3. Q & Q Lewin Telecommunications
624-555-7430 6358 Parkview Court
4. Torre-Ramos Engineering Corp 616-555-6739 1755 Winton Drive
5. Faubert-Bonilla Machinery Group 618-555-6970 548 Stony Hill Circle
6. D & G McGrath Transportation, Inc 518-555-7387 9605 Pheasant Circle
7. Worsham-Bernal Construction
596-555-8297 7647 Valencia Place
8. Anderson-Duncan Transportation
464-555-5070 1132 Plymouth Dr.
  64. Lakewood, USA
1. Bevan-Monarco Construction Company 374-555-1317 5375 Clearland Circle
2. Laudenslager-Dominica
Telecommunications Group
224-555-3678 1663 Park Glen Court
3. W & N Sullivan Telecommunications
586-555-5135 3284 Bynum Way
4. Sowards-James Telecommunications
634-555-3804 8210 Mines Road
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  Name Phone Address
5. Blasingame-Blackwell Construction
550-555-1813 4498 Dennis Circle
6. C & A Orando Engineering Group 629-555-2801 7942 Palms
7. J & K Slattengren Communications
872-555-6146 3974 Diver Way
8. Short-Mc Guigan Engineering, Inc 965-555-1703 8115 Royal Links Ct
  65. La Mesa, USA
1. Evans-Storjohann
Telecommunications, Ltd
460-555-7162 460 Carzino Ct
2. McGrath-Wright Engineering, Ltd 283-555-6823 1356 Grove Way
3. G & N Cramer Communications Group 408-555-5009 6696 Adria Drive
4. L & E Peoples Communications
561-555-2406 2775 Bonifacio Street
5. Case-Terry Construction Holdings 308-555-5417 4849 Bovlevard
6. F & X Moberly Communications
716-555-4149 4223 Las Trampas
7. Alpha-Murraiin Communications, Inc 612-555-4878 5423 Camby Rd.
8. V & A Rhiger Transportation Corp 930-555-9238 4566 Bermad Drive
9. I & V Russell Engineering, Inc 536-555-4122 5025 Holiday Hills
10. Wood-Morgan Engineering, Ltd 744-555-3989 3841 Silver Oaks Place
11. Stand-Backlin Electronics, Inc 132-555-9184 3971 Confir Court
12. U & S Gabbard Transportation, Inc 383-555-6329 9224 Nob Hill Drive
13. M & Y Lepro Communications, Ltd 275-555-1395 4858 Shannon Lane
14. Y & R Muenich Machinery, Inc 361-555-7656 6629 Polson Circle
  66. Lebanon, USA
1. Petty-Olguin Machinery Group 203-555-6978 7270 Pepperidge Way
2. Williams-Fien Machinery Group 357-555-4761 1318 Nottingham Pl.
3. Brummer-Pinkston Communications
225-555-5573 4305 Amanda Circle
4. M & K Miller Telecommunications, Ltd 761-555-3729 6284 Levee Rd.
5. C & Z Morris Communications
149-555-4894 1023 Hawkins Street
6. X & M Steinberg Construction Corp 690-555-3433 6406 Marlesta Rd.
7. D & D Warren Transportation, Ltd 587-555-3311 1064 Slavio
8. G & W Poisson Transportation, Inc 566-555-4629 8136 Guadalajara
9. M & Y Aguilar Communications, Ltd 565-555-4551 5461 Sunview Terrace
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  Name Phone Address
10. G & N Thompson Communications
280-555-3618 7563 Florencia
11. Anderson-Cutwright Electronics
797-555-7595 3152 Woodcrest Drive
12. I & V Reynolds Engineering, Inc 760-555-3652 4739 Garden Ave.
13. Carlson-Symons Telecommunications,
662-555-4300 5203 Virginia Lane
14. Gerber-Vanderslice Engineering
354-555-4763 8213 Dianda Dr
15. I & V Irwin Engineering, Inc 277-555-3386 6277 Greenview Court
  67. Lemon Grove, USA
1. Hill-Butcher Engineering Partners 164-555-2579 9067 Argonne Drive
2. T & A McCown Electronics, Inc 347-555-4086 9906 Oak Grove Road
3. Schimanski-Alumbaugh
Telecommunications, Ltd
183-555-6225 4469 Dellwood Court
4. Turner-Zakerski Transportation Group 601-555-1229 504 O St.
5. O & D Lee Communications Associates 703-555-9579 5974 N St.
6. Z & L Glass Construction, Ltd 812-555-1017 7126 Edie Ct.
7. U & W Wright Construction Corp 262-555-6902 5009 Grasswood Circle
8. Taylor-Robinson Transportation
689-555-4575 9991 El Pintado Road
9. H & Y Styles Electronics, Ltd 989-555-1356 9875 Prestwick Court
10. Greer-Benson Construction Company 425-555-9570 5351 N. Civic Dr.
11. N & W White Transportation Corp 876-555-5891 9584 Logan Ct
  68. Lincoln Acres, USA
1. Espinoza-Robinett Electronics Holdings 632-555-3630 6868 West
2. Rizzi-Sotelo Transportation, Inc 434-555-4298 6323 Benedict Court
3. H & N Stanley Machinery Corp 684-555-1677 6110 Price Lane
4. O & D Rutledge Communications
659-555-3160 3074 Ardith Drive
5. X & V Smith Construction, Ltd 836-555-4043 3469 Gill Ct.
6. Q & Q Ortiz Telecommunications
793-555-6377 5566 Brook Way
7. Crouch-Henderson Electronics
430-555-4611 4195 San Paolo
8. Heaney-Karavites Electronics
479-555-1808 1796 Westbury Dr.
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  Name Phone Address
9. D & A Vaughn Machinery Group 180-555-7232 7826 W. Hookston Road
10. Detwiler-Biltoft Transportation Corp 304-555-5652 5207 Mota Dr.
11. O & D Jones Communications
334-555-9132 867 La Orinda Place
12. J & K Santry Communications Corp 705-555-9670 207 Barquentine Court
  69. Long Beach, USA
1. Todd-Batouche Machinery Group 616-555-4998 4910 Melinda Court
2. F & X Kotc Communications Partners 253-555-2843 3328 Via Cortez
3. Hall-Narberes Engineering, Inc 312-555-9342 8597 Sandra
4. Crow-Sims Construction Associates 724-555-9311 9742 Anderson Way
5. H & E Stewart Machinery Group 717-555-4435 7808 Brown St.
6. Kouba-Clark Machinery Corp 597-555-6013 1960 Via Catanzaro
7. Turcios-Confetti Transportation
750-555-8069 2775 Robinson Ave.
8. Shintani-Chavez Engineering, Ltd 926-555-8642 9030 Louisiana Dr.
9. G & N Tribble Communications Group 390-555-1486 9846 Powell Drive
10. V & B Tuffield Transportation Holdings 652-555-8009 8957 Maureen Circle
11. Viellieux-Baugh Transportation
898-555-5934 4023 Glen Court
12. Zuluaga-Abo Engineering, Ltd 485-555-5887 893 Thornwood Drive
13. V & B Brian Transportation Holdings 230-555-8433 5386 Salvio St.
  70. Los Angeles, USA
1. D & A Yates Machinery Group 564-555-6811 1397 Paraiso Ct.
2. Zocchi-Walsh Machinery, Inc 725-555-5106 931 Corte De Luna
3. Brandberry-Henderson Electronics
239-555-9493 2944 North Main St.
4. Sincich-Jameson Engineering Corp 699-555-6272 3029 Heather Leaf Ln.
5. Ortiz-Michaels Transportation Corp 114-555-1301 5473 Hillridge Way
6. Cox-Clare Engineering Associates 393-555-2393 7496 Sunset Meadows
7. Malik-Eldridge Electronics Holdings 702-555-1930 7765 Sunsine Drive
8. F & X Reynolds Communications
582-555-3508 1318 Lasalle Street
9. B & P Cox Telecommunications
520-555-9190 6538 Camelback Road
10. Solano-Armstrong Machinery Group 267-555-7861 7939 Bayview Court
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  Name Phone Address
11. N & O Baker Electronics, Inc 449-555-8893 1349 Palm Ave.
  71. Lynnwood, USA
1. Z & L Whipple Construction, Ltd 461-555-3872 7600 Yosemite Circle
2. Walker-Jones Construction, Ltd 248-555-8978 5030 Blue Ridge Dr.
3. D & Z Gonzales Electronics, Ltd 346-555-8329 3322 Haven Hill Drive
4. F & P Bishop Communications, Inc 739-555-5431 1229 Apollo Way
5. Ace-Trujillo Communications Corp 143-555-3964 3284 S. Bascom
6. M & K Willeford Telecommunications,
743-555-5195 5998 Hilltop Road
7. H & N Sanchez Machinery Corp 199-555-5805 8412 Jorge
8. Gerber-Grayson Electronics Corp 252-555-4238 3799 Hilton Way
9. O & A Jasper Engineering Corp 615-555-6083 3758 Springwood Way
10. Tribble-Skapinok Construction
816-555-6264 1596 Bryce Dr
11. T & A Haddix Electronics, Inc 153-555-4576 9297 Kenston Dr.
12. Ardell-Nakauchi Electronics, Inc 991-555-2730 2518 Cashew Street
13. Holloway-Trau Transportation Holdings 269-555-7496 3635 N Ridgewood
14. O & D White Communications
221-555-9448 4180 Valley Manor
  72. Marysville, USA
1. U & D Johnston Communications, Ltd 777-555-7726 8713 Buchanan Street
2. L & E McPhearson Communications
122-555-3790 8358 St. Helena Drive
3. D & G Enlow Transportation, Inc 632-555-2683 7688 P St.
4. R & Z Gilliat Communications, Inc 408-555-4801 177 Bancroft Road
5. Moya-Chesnut Engineering Corp 566-555-7627 6034 Sunset Circle
6. O & K Carnes Transportation Corp 496-555-6246 3168 Thames Drive
7. G & W Zgeirmann Transportation, Inc 205-555-5704 4877 Zona Rosa
8. K & R Bobbitt Communications Group 933-555-9469 3982 San Michele Drive
9. Manzanares-Stotler Machinery, Ltd 573-555-7313 5898 Mt. Dell
10. Caravello-Paulson Construction
497-555-9924 6445 Cashew Street
  73. Mill Valley, USA
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  Name Phone Address
1. Larkin-Bitler Communications Holdings 513-555-6447 2775 Delta View Ln.
2. Theisen-Berger Construction Group 702-555-1702 7549 Longview Rd.
3. W & N Sims Telecommunications
658-555-3316 7484 Roundtree Drive
4. I & M Thompson Transportation, Ltd 149-555-4603 2099 San Jose
5. N & W Armstrong Transportation Corp 483-555-2423 9130 San Ramon Road
6. Wold-French Construction Partners 553-555-3882 8343 Briowes Valley Rd
7. Caprio-Slaven Machinery Partners 843-555-4347 5118 Boxwood Dr.
8. D & A Blasingame Machinery Group 762-555-3749 9838 Carob Way
9. A & U Stalker Telecommunications, Inc 323-555-1226 2305 Glazier Drive
  74. Milwaukie, USA
1. Consentino-Lutes Engineering, Ltd 324-555-1921 3414 Jason Court
2. H & N Walton Machinery Corp 396-555-7960 2601 Cambridge Drive
3. O & K Carpenter Transportation Corp 220-555-2727 8751 Norse Drive
4. Zgeirmann-Mondragon Machinery
609-555-2854 1061 Delta Fair Blvd.
5. D & Z Goldey Electronics, Ltd 548-555-9939 7230 Berrellesa Street
6. D & D Montera Electronics Holdings 703-555-7489 4827 Gilardy Drive
7. Glass-Cohen Transportation Group 646-555-5338 2294 West 39th St.
8. Lepro-Elliott Communications
608-555-2777 6353 Dan Ysidro Court
9. V & A Glancy Transportation Corp 985-555-8502 7710 Pine St
10. Y & R Groome Machinery, Inc 634-555-2773 6387 Scenic Avenue
11. Aldred-Jorgenson Engineering, Ltd 585-555-4415 8967 Hamilton Ave.
12. Jasper-Morris Machinery Holdings 493-555-7778 3545 Rotherham Dr.
13. Boje-Tsujimoto Machinery Partners 760-555-9804 5376 Catanzaro Way
14. X & M Richmeier Construction Corp 526-555-2179 7429 La Cadena
  75. National City, USA
1. Burke-Bates Construction Group 934-555-8055 3217 Elm St
2. Mann-Prater Electronics Corp 779-555-1815 6657 Camino Solano
3. Salazar-Reardon Telecommunications,
888-555-2090 6155 Wilbur Drive
4. Frank-Wood Machinery, Ltd 904-555-1007 9693 Mellowood Street
5. Gonzales-Valdez Construction Partners 137-555-8885 4350 Mota Dr.
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  Name Phone Address
6. Allenbach-Smith Communications
991-555-2609 1275 West Street
7. X & M Witte Construction Corp 680-555-1989 3981 Augustine Drive
8. Carlson-Margolis Machinery Company 573-555-7681 4351 Shenandoah Dr.
9. Clifford-Smith Construction, Ltd 728-555-9581 3628 Mt. McKinley Ct.
10. Q & P Banack Telecommunications
526-555-9089 6282 McNeil Place
11. U & S Ison Transportation, Inc 651-555-8204 6574 Hemlock Ave.
12. Vonholt-Holmes Engineering Corp 319-555-8989 4305 Madrid
13. Jantzer-Dittmar Machinery, Inc 577-555-7369 1955 Montgomery Ave
14. Netz-Green Construction, Ltd 728-555-9348 4704 Tustin Court
15. Campbell-Watson Engineering, Inc 449-555-8256 9595 Barbie Dr.
16. D & D Sipsy Electronics Holdings 523-555-8858 4996 Hillview Drive
17. X & M Betsekas Construction Corp 650-555-8127 1867 Seville
  76. Newport Beach, USA
1. Haddix-Thomas Construction
557-555-1726 793 Crawford Street
2. Smith-Duff Construction Partners 247-555-2035 7178 Cancroft Road
3. T & A Crow Electronics, Inc 936-555-2247 7739 Pineknoll
4. V & P Olguin Transportation Corp 214-555-7401 8882 Weatherly Way
5. Smith-Serventi Transportation, Inc 532-555-2968 7480 Linton Terr
6. Tancredy-Wilson Construction
734-555-2299 4393 Ridge Road
7. Allen-Worth Transportation, Inc 904-555-7690 1147 Mellowood Street
8. Ortiz-Beaver Construction, Ltd 574-555-9247 6146 Holland Drive
9. X & N Eichorn Construction Corp 195-555-4299 8238 D Kiska Ct.
  77. Novato, USA
1. Styles-Head Electronics Corp 540-555-4568 5765 Mellowood St.
2. U & W Tate Construction Corp 770-555-7957 9825 Coralie Drive
3. Burger-Blau Communications Holdings 723-555-5224 1185 Dallis Drive
4. Kwiatkowski-Vann Electronics Corp 279-555-7122 5899 Mt. Wilson Place
5. Gambao-Snow Telecommunications,
284-555-6653 4622 Andrea Lane
6. Bowman-Coleman Construction Group 673-555-8183 3883 Kirkwood Dr
7. Alexander-Mendoza Machinery Group 569-555-7276 8281 Rhoda Way
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  Name Phone Address
  78. Oakland, USA
1. Y & R Wood Machinery, Inc 319-555-1228 4836 Stratton Circle
2. N & O Brady, Jr. Electronics, Inc 426-555-1745 2115 Pasado
3. Maccietto-Buskirk Construction
237-555-9319 1996 Sand Pointe Lane
4. Wolter-Collins Construction Partners 217-555-1567 551 Rainier Dr
5. S & Y Foster Construction, Ltd 144-555-5072 8249 La Jolla
6. B & P Ratcliff Telecommunications
294-555-2634 371 Ahneita Dr.
7. K & R Bidelman Communications
495-555-6460 555 Moretti Drive
8. Miller-Stern Machinery Group 351-555-4551 2217 Pueblo Dr.
9. Osborn-Binai Construction Associates 216-555-1723 7616 Honey Court
10. D & D Collins Electronics Holdings 243-555-3528 782 Veale Avenue
  79. Olympia, USA
1. Burnett-Haugh Telecommunications,
182-555-5856 1273 Deetmeadow Way
2. Y & R Marple Machinery, Inc 826-555-8869 928 Old Mountain View
3. C & A Mitzner Engineering Group 390-555-6034 4630 Concord Blvd.
4. Trach-White Machinery Corp 618-555-8769 5346 Clayburn Road
5. L & E Baird Communications Partners 562-555-6929 5553 Kahrs Avenue
6. Q & Q Zobairi Telecommunications
999-555-5492 8371 Marlesta Rd
7. E & C Bowen Machinery Partners 231-555-4603 9264 Slavio
  80. Oregon City, USA
1. Usnick-Brown Communications, Inc 915-555-2844 6790 Loma Linda
2. H & Y Adair Electronics, Ltd 116-555-2281 7469 Paraiso Ct.
3. D & H Galich Engineering Group 264-555-9223 8286 Willow St.
4. Herman-Roberts Machinery, Ltd 958-555-8656 1708 Weaver Lane
5. E & F Arnold Machinery, Ltd 969-555-4928 7403 N. Broadway
6. Miller-Abravaya Transportation
193-555-7998 6406 Pepperidge Way
7. V & P Campbell Transportation Corp 424-555-1654 3416 Cunha Ct
8. E & M Gonzales Electronics Company 993-555-3211 5759 Benton Street
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  Name Phone Address
9. E & F Bruner Machinery, Ltd 579-555-3398 6111 Guadalajara
10. P & J Brush Telecommunications, Ltd 556-555-9842 7775 San Ysidro Court
  81. Palo Alto, USA
1. Thames-Rusek Machinery Group 535-555-5037 1326 Greenwood Place
2. Q & P Barber Telecommunications
919-555-1447 1706 Vallejo
3. Bozeman-Kassab Machinery Group 247-555-4416 4992 Yorba Linda
4. O & K Smith Transportation Corp 458-555-3971 2519 Gill Ct.
5. Underwood-Strain Electronics Corp 890-555-1927 4777 Rockne Drive
6. Mullins-Maes Construction Partners 408-555-6001 8722 East View Place
7. S & X Allen Engineering Partners 455-555-4283 6488 Dublin Blvd.
8. Mcdonald-Weldon Construction, Ltd 738-555-3901 5754 Glenhaven Ave
9. R & Z Larson Communications, Inc 331-555-5245 3068 Altura
10. Garza-Westover Machinery Partners 426-555-9336 805 Willow Lane
11. Arakawa-Steuber Engineering
247-555-4183 6498 Pasa Del Rio
12. J & K Ortiz Communications Corp 786-555-2182 1487 Franklin Canyon
13. J & C McDonald Telecommunications
741-555-5294 7650 Northridge Drive
  82. Pomona, USA
1. Whitehead-Roy Machinery Group 106-555-8196 3841 Frisbie Ct
2. Murphy-Rinks Communications
770-555-4769 890 Ridgeview Dr
3. W & A Pierson Construction Company 187-555-9260 2904 San Simeon Ct.
4. Pompa-Traube Machinery Group 882-555-8770 2816 Hemlock Drive
5. W & N Lynn Telecommunications
760-555-1815 4654 Blackridge Drive
6. Ison-Trent Construction Group 152-555-5472 1488 Cambelback Place
7. Cox-Jacobs Electronics, Ltd 878-555-9083 7525 Sutcliffe Pl.
8. Johnson-Vrins Machinery, Inc 677-555-9829 1055 Horseshoe Road
9. B & D Visser Machinery Partners 603-555-8994 9907 Via Appia
10. Justice-Conner Engineering, Ltd 266-555-9937 2354 Pear Dr.
  83. Portland, USA
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  Name Phone Address
1. Sanders-Steinberg Construction
882-555-9119 2487 Riverside Drive
2. V & B Long Transportation Holdings 145-555-2477 5509 Newcastle Road
3. D & D Sultan Transportation, Ltd 297-555-4456 2431 Santa Lucia Dr.
4. Barber-Richendollar Electronics Group 731-555-7140 2000 Thornwood Dr.
5. M & K Manzanares
Telecommunications, Ltd
522-555-6963 8328 San Francisco
6. G & Q Brandberry Engineering Corp 428-555-3800 2650 Hamlet
7. Miller-Walker Machinery, Ltd 219-555-3622 4616 Cordova Way
  84. Port Orchard, USA
1. Murphy-Sweet Telecommunications
686-555-3031 673 Noah Court
2. B & D Potter Machinery Partners 319-555-1189 4581 Coggins Drive
3. W & W Winfrey Electronics Associates 191-555-6813 1399 Firestone Drive
4. I & U Obaugh Transportation Holdings 979-555-6765 3805 BrushCreek Court
5. Earley-Horne Engineering Partners 217-555-1839 7086 O St.
6. H & Y Belleci Electronics, Ltd 871-555-6360 7964 Gentrytown Drive
7. I & O King Electronics Holdings 806-555-1453 1160 Bella Avenue
8. R & Z Zugelder Communications, Inc 732-555-1236 4710 Northridge Drive
  85. Puyallup, USA
1. E & M Noakes Electronics Company 986-555-1688 5826 Norman Avenue
2. Curtsinger-Swartwood Engineering
450-555-3609 8197 Haviland Place
3. S & X Warthen Engineering Partners 703-555-9598 8282 Meadowbrook
4. Camacho-Alvarado Transportation
779-555-1588 6441 Via Santa Fe
5. Vincenzi-Herring Engineering, Ltd 344-555-7519 9777 Mozden Lane
6. B & D Cantoni Machinery Partners 860-555-2186 2569 La Orinda Pl.
7. O & A Stone Engineering Corp 290-555-9862 7948 Roehlidge Lane
8. B & P Burkett Telecommunications
266-555-6919 9431 D Bel Air Dr.
9. V & P Howard Transportation Corp 990-555-1453 3775 Hilltop Dr.
  86. Redmond, USA
1. I & V Netz Engineering, Inc 940-555-2284 2701 Sierra Rd
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  Name Phone Address
2. Avalos-Jacobsen Electronics, Ltd 815-555-3786 1990 Guadalajara
3. Mcanich-Browning
Telecommunications, Inc
245-555-2152 7432 Corte Valencia
4. S & X Browning Engineering Partners 452-555-2253 3175 Olivera Rd.
5. M & R Winternitz Electronics Holdings 734-555-3499 2003 Pinecrest Dr.
6. Stalker-Fan Telecommunications
373-555-1576 6501 Mr. Wilson Way
7. Hass-Netz Construction Group 502-555-9455 6275 Bel Air Drive
8. O & K Pasumansky Transportation
456-555-1940 5972 El Pintado Road
9. Bruno-Berger Construction Partners 354-555-6620 6062 Mota Dr.
10. J & K Netz Communications Corp 448-555-2488 7882 Las Lomas Way
11. Antrim-Friedland Communications
530-555-3086 5079 Notre Dame
12. I & U Stand Transportation Holdings 323-555-3373 9011 Tabora Drive
13. Maggard-Bezic Electronics Associates 687-555-5217 2898 Forest Way
14. T & A Netz Electronics, Inc 739-555-3030 8991 Olivera
  87. Redwood City, USA
1. Y & B Simmons Communications
621-555-1201 4404 Mildred Avenue
2. Strange-Richter Construction Partners 545-555-8901 6615 Winterglenn Way
3. McGuin-Amper Engineering, Inc 875-555-7344 5300 Turrin Dr.
4. I & G Sharp Machinery Group 667-555-7477 8629 English Court
5. Wellington-Bacugalupi
Communications Holdings
260-555-7967 1624 Carlisle Way
6. X & W Usnick Machinery Group 841-555-3866 3586 Everett Court
7. Visser-Sanchez Construction Partners 107-555-6144 1403 McMillan Ave.
  88. Renton, USA
1. H & Y Belli Engineering, Inc 135-555-9703 1368 Palms Drive
2. Howard-Elliott Telecommunications,
187-555-8060 9196 Landana Dr.
3. E & C Isaacs Machinery Partners 309-555-6403 386 Kelly
4. Turner-Griffin Engineering Associates 650-555-9574 8411 Mt. Olivet Place
5. Wall-Clendenen Electronics Company 801-555-7360 6351 22nd Ave.
6. Bomar-Renfro Engineering Partners 444-555-8725 5979 Lynwood Drive
7. J & K Bouton Communications Corp 748-555-4896 4909 Poco Lane
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  Name Phone Address
8. Brunner-Staton Construction Holdings 693-555-6852 862 The Alameda
9. Z & N Maggard Communications
921-555-5782 8422 W. Holly Drive
10. G & W Vigil Transportation, Inc 929-555-5234 2574 Napa
11. K & R Morreale Communications
289-555-7651 6307 Grenadine Way
12. Baker-Castillo Electronics Holdings 975-555-7865 1579 Plaza Rosa
13. G & Q Castano Engineering Corp 202-555-1856 512 Palms Dr
  89. Richmond, USA
1. Y & R Short Machinery, Inc 584-555-3182 9529 Oonegal Court
2. R & Y Sowards Machinery Associates 253-555-5282 8932 Westwood Way
3. H & N Huckaby Machinery Corp 411-555-6870 6400 Kenwal Rd.
4. Williams-Masters Transportation
483-555-3909 5747 Shirley Drive
5. Elson-Hirota Telecommunications, Ltd 819-555-5913 3471 West Ste.
6. R & Z Ceballos Communications, Inc 694-555-7960 6600 Maricopa
7. Ansaldo-Caijem Telecommunications,
794-555-7630 8192 Seagull Court
8. V & P Kharman Transportation Corp 896-555-2717 2080 Sycamore Drive
9. Adams-Steen Transportation Holdings 791-555-2972 8144 Ryan Court
10. O & D Sloper Communications
427-555-1672 5283 Rishell Ct.
11. Wheeler-Irvin Machinery Corp 459-555-5539 8507 Mt. Palomar Pl.
  90. Salem, USA
1. D & E Salazar Telecommunications,
792-555-4482 2697 Hobby Court
2. Alameda-Fox Construction, Ltd 365-555-1483 7909 Yorba Linda
3. D & G Touchstone Transportation, Inc 774-555-5574 2681 Eagle Peak
4. V & A Campen Transportation Corp 619-555-7627 9268 Keller Ridge
5. H & N Wall Machinery Corp 178-555-4949 3623 Barquentine Court
6. F & X Blackburn Communications
661-555-5449 1127 Wellington
7. V & B Greer Transportation Holdings 637-555-2505 3348 Del Vista Court
8. Zubaty-Hunter Construction
872-555-5003 6441 Roberta Avenue
9. Valerio-Ahlering Construction, Ltd 587-555-4069 1451 Victory Lane
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  Name Phone Address
10. Curl-Heth Construction Corp 542-555-7104 1201 Olive Hill
11. M & K Schuetz Telecommunications,
330-555-2976 7842 Ygnacio Valley
12. Castano-Caudill Electronics Group 560-555-1749 6880 N Lucile Lane
  91. San Carlos, USA
1. W & N Several Telecommunications
792-555-6358 2012 Reisling Court
2. D & A Tancredy Machinery Group 638-555-4692 6316 Parkway Drive
3. Tu-Harris Transportation Holdings 888-555-2070 9520 Milburn Dr.
4. Homax-Adams Transportation Group 428-555-4437 8452 Dewing Avenue
5. B & P Brown Telecommunications
552-555-2624 467 Moccasin Ct.
6. I & M Turner Transportation, Ltd 925-555-5546 1692 Detroit Ave
7. H & Y Story Engineering, Inc 482-555-2404 2134 Royal Links Ct
8. H & N Bayol Machinery Corp 704-555-9650 5242 Marvelle Ln.
  92. San Diego, USA
1. Shanklin-Lewis Communications
533-555-5446 6754 Pamploma Ct.
2. G & N Meyer Communications Group 994-555-1140 639 Bermad Drive
3. Breer-Barrera Electronics, Ltd 584-555-2254 9913 Mt. Whitney Way
4. Moore-Chaw Communications
298-555-1553 8314 Brandywine Way
5. Lopez-Valdivia Engineering Company 145-555-3847 3030 Blackburn Ct.
6. Campen-Coffman Communications
123-555-4777 764 Nahua
7. Bustamante-Eldridge Construction
581-555-2022 8627 Laguna Street
8. Mills-Reed Electronics Associates 714-555-1521 5679 Atrice Lane
9. W & N Tommerup
Telecommunications Partners
377-555-2230 6936 Andrews Drive
10. Noice-Lindall Machinery, Inc 736-555-4310 8859 Wood Ranch
11. W & W Watson Electronics Associates 486-555-6931 9671 Leewood Place
12. N & W Chrisulis Transportation Corp 638-555-4647 3162 Asilomaar Dr
  93. San Francisco, USA
1. Tench-Brink Machinery, Inc 488-555-7645 4698 Royal Oak Rd.
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  Name Phone Address
2. White-Simpson Engineering Partners 664-555-3955 1589 Mt. Tamalpais
3. Drury-Watts Engineering Company 949-555-4889 5333 Adria Drive
4. Highfill-Waggoner Machinery Group 664-555-4189 5097 Waterfall Way
5. V & P Mcanich Transportation Corp 456-555-4088 2773 Kirkwood Dr
6. S & X Smith Engineering Partners 174-555-3075 9149 San Simeon Drive
7. Carreras-Burtis Transportation
251-555-4219 1460 Jasper Court
8. Beck-Abel Electronics Company 488-555-7722 3588 Vancouver Way
  94. San Gabriel, USA
1. Allison-Vargas Construction Company 955-555-6840 8924 Lindley Ct.
2. Z & L Wisnewski Construction, Ltd 987-555-1474 4655 Shuey Ave
3. Posey-Dimon Engineering Company 627-555-8861 3200 Wren Ave.
4. Campbell-Roberts
Telecommunications, Inc
827-555-7804 4911 Dubhe Court
5. Ecoffey-Swint Machinery Partners 670-555-5906 1278 Holly Oak Drive
6. Smith-Potter Engineering Corp 623-555-8863 7185 Westcliffe Place
7. Gonzales-Allen Engineering, Ltd 497-555-9361 7254 Buchanan Road
8. U & S Bowman Transportation, Inc 884-555-1119 1880 Birchwood
9. Steelman-Adams Construction
954-555-6763 4217 Almond Avenue
10. I & M Hurkett Transportation, Ltd 857-555-2517 4111 Vista Diablo
11. D & T Coy Transportation Holdings 292-555-9725 3124 Fall Creek
12. Baker-Finke Construction Group 185-555-6107 313 Ladera
13. Waters-Jarvis Construction Partners 170-555-2149 3761 Cancroft Road
  95. San Jose, USA
1. Netz-Amyotte Construction, Ltd 829-555-1010 6467 Buena Vista
2. Dennis-Brumfield Transportation, Inc 211-555-1712 1536 Camino Verde Ct.
3. Smith-Yasi Telecommunications, Inc 343-555-9823 1245 West Hookston
4. U & W Bennetts Construction Corp 768-555-3434 7047 Terra Granda
5. C & A Valerio Engineering Group 184-555-6920 9955 Terra Granada
6. Styles-Glenn Transportation Holdings 516-555-6135 1625 Buckingham Dr.
7. McCormick-Sparacino Transportation
606-555-1032 250 Geary Ct.
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  Name Phone Address
8. Bowman-Germanson Communications
801-555-7068 6453 Coggins Drive
9. F & X Bowman Communications
593-555-7201 1032 Buena Vista
10. S & Y Williamson Electronics Holdings 466-555-8243 4185 River Ash Court
11. O & D Hunt Communications
490-555-6846 7127 Morengo Court
  96. Santa Cruz, USA
1. Pasumansky-Whitney Construction
836-555-9462 7214 Peachwillow
2. Long-Solimena Engineering Company 111-555-1278 6843 San Simeon Dr.
3. Anderson-Allen Construction, Ltd 837-555-9539 7350 Pinon
4. Browning-Lyeba Transportation, Inc 594-555-6117 4416 Harvard Drive
5. U & W Burchett Construction Corp 761-555-3899 475 Santa Maria
6. F & X Murphy Communications
628-555-9905 7086 C Wharton Way
7. Weber-Kabbes Transportation
704-555-1584 2904 Bay View Drive
8. D & Z Fulcher Electronics, Ltd 887-555-3168 9006 Woodside Way
9. W & W Whitehead Electronics
625-555-9674 5255 Corte Valencia
10. Sultan-Svoboda Machinery, Inc 985-555-2520 7090 C. Mount Hood
  97. Santa Monica, USA
1. Groome-Hill Engineering, Inc 137-555-8923 7883 Mitchell Canyon
2. H & Y Brunner Engineering, Inc 111-555-8927 1267 Scenic Drive
3. H & Y Azari Engineering, Inc 217-555-9677 4310 Kenston Dr.
4. N & O Grosvenor Electronics, Inc 681-555-2028 6891 Relis Valley Road
5. W & Y Rowland Construction, Ltd 598-555-9424 3723 Mt. Sequoia Ct.
6. M & K Carreras Telecommunications,
398-555-1015 5254 Daylight Place
7. W & W Highfill Electronics Associates 875-555-6124 438 Mt. Etna
8. B & D Reitzel Machinery Partners 810-555-1218 8354 Ponderosa Drive
9. Romero-Hicks Construction, Ltd 576-555-7564 8162 Milden Road
10. H & Y Givens Electronics, Ltd 505-555-5484 6703 Milburn Dr.
11. Tomlinson-Springate Machinery, Ltd 647-555-7550 4999 Corte Segunda
12. G & N Borden Communications Group 656-555-3434 2427 Notre Dame Ave.
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  Name Phone Address
  98. Seattle, USA
1. E & M Steger Electronics Company 247-555-3546 8368 Birchwood
2. U & W Wall Construction Corp 135-555-7924 1946 Valley Crest Drive
3. Arnold-Cooper Transportation Holdings 188-555-1163 5734 Ashford Court
4. C & A Zingarelli Engineering Group 886-555-9982 5415 San Gabriel Dr.
5. N & W Hill Transportation Corp 752-555-6834 6062 Sudan Loop
6. Sall-Scott Telecommunications, Ltd 209-555-9070 9697 Central Ave
7. H & Y McCormick Electronics, Ltd 113-555-9251 9008 Creekside Drive
8. D & G Berch Transportation, Inc 753-555-6601 6827 Glazier Dr.
9. X & M Lundahl Construction Corp 859-555-2380 6401 Cook Street
10. Y & R Altamirano Machinery, Inc 858-555-2303 8757 Keith Court
11. King-Smith Engineering Company 957-555-7013 8568 San Vincente
  99. Sedro Woolley, USA
1. T & P Chenault Engineering, Inc 500-555-1754 561 Park Glenn
2. Welsh-McCollum Transportation
727-555-9460 3238 Laguna Circle
3. V & B Worsham Transportation
192-555-2147 6152 Buckingham Dr.
4. G & W Kung Transportation, Inc 898-555-4481 7675 Moss Hollow
5. Olguin-Ayers Telecommunications, Inc 595-555-5922 7468 Franklin Canyon
6. H & E Pederson Machinery Group 165-555-3546 8384 Potomac Drive
7. Y & R Cardoza Machinery, Inc 349-555-3968 9652 Los Angeles
8. McCarty-Bent Communications Corp 579-555-2198 8490 Longbrood Way
  100. Spokane, USA
1. D & Z Cocadiz Electronics, Ltd 537-555-4049 5537 Broadway
2. Bauer-Collins Transportation Group 942-555-3094 3890 El Camino Drive
3. V & A J Wilbert Transportation Corp 115-555-9133 4852 Chaparral Court
4. Y & R Alpuerto Machinery, Inc 708-555-9130 3968 Bonifacio
5. Barley-Alvaro Transportation Holdings 894-555-5897 9061 Isabel
6. Steele-Thompson Transportation
741-555-4074 3989 Crestwood Circle
7. S & X Dennis Engineering Partners 160-555-1362 3967 High Street
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  Name Phone Address
8. H & E Malik Machinery Group 868-555-6608 2598 La Vista Circle
  101. Spring Valley, USA
1. Sandidge-Skonnard Machinery Group 142-555-3737 8380 Paso Del Rio
2. H & E Baker Machinery Group 617-555-7972 591 Merriewood Drive
3. Y & B Bomar Communications Partners 859-555-7434 9610 Moccasin Ct
4. Winter-Adams Construction Associates 802-555-9002 6835 Lynwood Drive
5. Barry-Chang Electronics, Ltd 805-555-9234 3596 Kingsford Dr.
6. Q & P Carreras Telecommunications
155-555-6612 3382 Greer Ave
7. I & M Styles Transportation, Ltd 113-555-8790 4016 Boyd
8. Malaby-Caldwell Machinery Associates 168-555-2494 8756 Nottingham Pl.
9. H & N Price Machinery Corp 441-555-7623 3159 C Wharton Way
10. Green-Stanford Communications
520-555-8610 298 Sunnybrook Drive
11. U & W Beck Construction Corp 392-555-1115 8166 Starflower Dr
  102. Tacoma, USA
1. I & M Haemon Transportation, Ltd 996-555-5260 6922 Hamlet
2. Rhodes-Kaffer Machinery Group 590-555-6061 7682 Alta Vista
3. L & D Marple Electronics Corp 843-555-3748 3495 Virginia Lane
4. Steffen-Flynn Machinery, Ltd 146-555-3773 3342 Sea Point Way
5. R & Z Boje Communications, Inc 709-555-9453 463 H Stagecoach Rd.
6. Catalano-Coleman
Telecommunications, Ltd
300-555-5596 907 Ameno Road
7. Van Antwerp-Springer Electronics Corp 481-555-1981 7341 46th St.
8. Holmes-Chandler Engineering
323-555-9083 1354 Catalpa Court
9. Anderson-Everson Transportation
451-555-3312 3148 Rose Street
10. M & K Herman Telecommunications,
555-555-2506 213 Valencia Place
11. Mauro-Stroh Machinery Associates 920-555-4504 5339 Cashew Street
12. N & W Koski Transportation Corp 997-555-5337 500 Rockledge Lane
13. Touchstone-Bakhtyari Engineering, Ltd 585-555-2267 7594 Alexander Pl.
  103. Torrance, USA
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  Name Phone Address
1. Burke-Lindsay Telecommunications
955-555-7131 7413 Alpine Drive
2. Doolittle-Burnham Transportation Corp 950-555-7366 4606 Charmttone Court
3. Belli-Porter Telecommunications, Ltd 539-555-6853 2863 Polk Street
4. N & W Byrnes Transportation Corp 460-555-5943 6067 Mt. Diablo St.
5. Takemura-Campbell Communications
386-555-4797 639 La Corte Bonita
6. V & P Gonzales Transportation Corp 636-555-2719 8714 St. Paul Way
7. Sherfy-Behnke Engineering, Inc 541-555-7085 1657 Morengo Ct.
8. V & A Ace Transportation Corp 593-555-9557 8624 Pepperidge Way
9. T & P Zablah Engineering, Inc 790-555-4619 7521 Mount Aire
10. Bennetts-Woodard Electronics
557-555-1499 1707 Willowwood Ct.
11. Barnes-Camille Telecommunications,
691-555-4880 3919 El Pintado Road
  104. W. Linn, USA
1. H & E Crouch Machinery Group 357-555-5632 9027 Lancelot Dr
2. Sharp-Torres Construction Corp 809-555-2341 5252 Santa Fe
3. McCain-Daly Engineering Associates 901-555-3784 252 Meadowbrook
4. Johnston-Hager Engineering
281-555-4876 8245 Heartwood Drive
5. E & F Wollesen Machinery, Ltd 976-555-4463 1320 Pacheco St
6. Burchett-Bechard Electronics
616-555-6966 1970 Napa Ct.
7. C & A Shepard Engineering Group 690-555-3452 3403 Meadowbrook
8. I & V Bruha Engineering, Inc 823-555-7067 1962 Cunha Ct.
9. Cramer-Fike Construction Partners 173-555-4445 1102 Ravenwood
10. J & F LaTulippe Electronics Corp 251-555-1162 1747 Corte Segundo
11. Jaramillo-Compagno
Telecommunications Group
922-555-6806 2470 Indianhead Circle
12. H & N Malaby Machinery Corp 710-555-2601 9178 Sand Pointe Lane
13. Q & P Barley Telecommunications
513-555-7376 7820 Blackridge Drive
  105. Walla Walla, USA
1. Owens-Castillo Engineering Associates 925-555-8836 7955 Cleveland Rd.
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  Name Phone Address
2. V & P Carlson Transportation Corp 259-555-7150 3708 Montana
3. E & F Williams Machinery, Ltd 718-555-4473 3997 Via De Luna
4. A & U Jaramillo Telecommunications,
564-555-6913 6102 Corte Poquito
5. Vij-Zugschwert Engineering, Inc 776-555-6157 6608 Calle Verde Dr.
6. Thoreson-Snowden Machinery, Ltd 315-555-8991 845 Olive Ave
7. W & W Miller Electronics Associates 232-555-8316 3886 Delta View Ln.
8. E & M Spencer Electronics Company 454-555-2135 2921 Glen Wood Drive
9. T & A Watkins Electronics, Inc 697-555-5480 9783 Amaranth Way
10. H & Y Elson Engineering, Inc 393-555-1135 1721 Dianda
11. U & S Theisen Transportation, Inc 895-555-4813 9218 Sanford St.
12. Isaacs-Yonce Engineering Corp 644-555-7667 6500 S St.
  106. West Covina, USA
1. Z & L Homax Construction, Ltd 924-555-7287 6957 Corte Poquito
2. S & X Ciochon Engineering Partners 951-555-6122 9435 Breck Court
3. Christensen-Pectol Construction, Ltd 454-555-1207 1941 Hacienda
4. Y & R Campbell Machinery, Inc 330-555-3020 1265 Gloria Terr.
5. E & Q Curtsinger Engineering, Ltd 947-555-6459 8665 Brown Street
6. Cruz-Geiermann Engineering Company 845-555-6921 6742 Cleaveland Road
7. M & K Steffen Telecommunications,
973-555-4795 5518 San Rafael
8. I & M Underwood Transportation, Ltd 179-555-5235 9863 Ridge Place
9. Zugelder-Malmendier Machinery
236-555-7386 6206 Heavenly Drive
10. G & N Wheeler Communications Group 466-555-1042 2258 Pablo Neruda
11. B & P Breer Telecommunications
818-555-2818 5508 Trembath Court
12. Wilkie-Lunt Machinery Partners 274-555-4666 3326 Indianhead Ct.
  107. Woodburn, USA
1. Bowen-Murphy Engineering Corp 635-555-1753 8796 Bayview Court
2. V & B Bevan Transportation Holdings 278-555-3710 7297 Rosalinda
3. Baird-Jans Construction Holdings 966-555-4079 7048 Laurel
4. G & N Waters Communications Group 666-555-4999 2266 Bonifacio Street
5. Tate-Schnurr Transportation Company 528-555-1089 502 Alexander Pl.
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  Name Phone Address
6. Munn-Goldberg Construction Company 989-555-7255 332 Laguna Niguel
7. Delhay-Petrick Transportation
377-555-3450 3117 Storey Lane
8. E & F Minarick Machinery, Ltd 387-555-8411 4098 Woodcrest Dr.
9. M & Y Antrim Communications, Ltd 172-555-3193 4092 Tupelp Drive
10. Wilson-Gill Transportation Group 657-555-4542 59 Sharon Place
11. D & T Bowen Transportation Holdings 251-555-5419 3757 Brook Hollow Ct
12. M & Y Carroll Communications, Ltd 822-555-6743 8122 Cincerto Circle
  108. Woodland Hills, USA
1. U & S Baker Transportation, Inc 396-555-8043 8309 Colonial Way
2. Agcaoili-Sabella Construction Partners 428-555-2600 8942 Sierra Road
3. Tate-Watson Electronics Company 889-555-4193 8157 W. Buchanan
4. Morris-Price Electronics Holdings 838-555-2959 1064 William Way
5. C & Y Tomlinson Machinery Partners 550-555-9943 8885 Partridge Dr.
6. Ortiz-Tearpak Engineering Company 627-555-1699 734 Selena Court
7. Walton-Meastas Machinery Associates 912-555-7369 4096 San Remo
8. Story-Boone Telecommunications, Ltd 271-555-9468 6793 Bonifacio St.
9. Watson-Waddle Machinery Group 580-555-4656 1168 Escobar
10. Tommerup-Martinez Transportation
143-555-1666 1342 Isla Bonita
11. Short-Swesey Engineering Corp 558-555-1867 3069 Yolanda
12. Q & P Adina Telecommunications
108-555-6800 3795 Tabora Drive
  109. Yakima, USA
1. U & S Chestnut Transportation, Inc 114-555-8809 1013 Buchanan Rd
2. Anderson-Gomez Machinery Partners 802-555-4992 7166 Brock Lane
3. Christie-Zocchi Engineering Company 631-555-3553 3290 Las Palmas
4. N & O Gimmi Electronics, Inc 400-555-9820 8929 Dayton Court
5. Waller-Barney Communications, Inc 806-555-9253 8844 Bel Aire Drive
6. Hazlip-Carter Electronics Corp 824-555-3898 4524 Ferndale Lane
7. Banks-Carlisle Machinery, Inc 239-555-7073 5725 Glazier Drive
8. Demott Jr-Carmichael Construction
318-555-9222 4786 Salvio St.
9. R & Z Garza Communications, Inc 286-555-5355 6146 Schenone Court
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  Name Phone Address
10. Taryle-Spencer Transportation
470-555-2278 3732 Camino Norte
11. K & R Brandon Communications Group 315-555-7829 8067 Olympic Drive
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